thickenings in a sentence

Use ‘thickenings’ in a sentence | ‘thickenings’ example sentences

1- What are “ventral thickenings “?

2- Non modified Starch was the most extensively used of all the thickenings .

3- Longitudinal band thickenings toward the glans.

4- Local thickenings (often called warts) are common, such as those found on toads.

5- Some of these cells have walls which contain thickenings in the form of rings or helices.

6- There are a few thickenings in some of them, but these can hardly be described as brains.

7- Solifuges and some harvestmen extend their knees by the use of highly elastic thickenings in the joint cuticle.

8- At the paranodal regions, the paranodal cytoplasm loops contact thickenings of the axolemma to form septate –like junctions.

9- The sclerites are difficult to distinguish from “sulci” (singular – “sulcus”) which are secondary thickenings .

10- Excess cholesterol will then seep through your artery walls causing thickenings (plaques), which will eventually block blood flow in vital arteries, resulting in heart attacks and strokes….

11- In the original portrait it could be vaguely made out as a kind of craggy wild place; in this photographic reproduction it was no more than thickenings and glimmerings in the black.

12- Only in the presence of formations or anomalous thickenings , usually, the specialist recommend other more invasive examinations, such as mammography and biopsy (which consists in the withdrawal of a portion of tissue to be analyzed).

13- Its barrier function is mediated by the Casparian Strips, ring-like hydrophobic cell wall thickenings that are coordinated between cells and form a supracellular network.

14- Orchid roots in general are often rather stout; a velamen, which has spiral thickenings on the cell walls, is well developed around the outside (von Guttenberg 1968).

15- Thickening There is a tendency to thickenings in the skin eg the eczema areas can be thickened and there is a tendency to form thick scars (keloids) after a wound or surgical operation.

16- The Jugal Region, or Neala, is a region of the wing that is usually a small membranous area proximal to the base of the vannus strengthened by a few small, irregular veinlike thickenings ; but when well developed it is a distinct section of the wing and may contain one or two jugal veins.

17- They are the large, empty-looking structures within the vascular bundles. (Any cell that has a nucleus is not xylem.) Find the spiral thickenings in the walls of xylem vessels.

18- At the present time, however, concentrated solutions of the colouring matters and other adjuncts are often simply added to the cold thickenings , of which large quantities are kept in stock.

19- They are especially useful thickenings for the light ground colours of soft muslins and sateens on account of the property they possess of dissolving completely out of the fibers of the cloth in the washing process after printing and have a long flowing, viscous rheology, giving sharp print and good penetration in the cloth.

20- Gum arabic and gum Senegal are both very old thickenings , but their expense prevents them from being used for any but pale delicate tints.

21- The labellum is simple or very slightly lobed, usually very wide and showy without salient calli although normally showing more or less subtle keeled thickenings close to the base, usually of different colors; it is much larger and wider than the other segments, often flat but in “M. candida” embraces the column and in all species it is slightly fused to the column at their bases.

22- Corn Corns are thickenings of the skin composed of keratin that are typically found on the toes caused by repeated friction or pressure to the area.

23- In “APL regulates vascular tissue identity in Arabidopsis”, Martin Bonke and his colleagues had stated that one of the two long-distance transport systems in vascular plants, xylem, consists of several cell-types “the differentiation of which involves deposition of elaborate cell-wall thickenings and programmed cell-death.

24- Metaxylem vessels and cells are usually larger; the cells have thickenings which are typically either in the form of ladderlike transverse bars (scalariform) or continuous sheets except for holes or pits (pitted).

25- In the “crystalline topology” which is the basis of this theory, covering maps are given by infinitesimal thickenings together with divided power structures.

26- In insects with a complete metamorphosis the wings arise from imaginal buds or thickenings of the epidermis, usually in the neighbourhood of one of the larger tracheae, and are evident in the very young larva or even the embryo.

27- When the dorsal thickenings are followed toward the base (proximally), they form the walls of the dorsal groove Figure 1, then gradually separate, anchoring the penile crura to the inferior pubic ramus.

28- Note that the longitudinal bundles are thicker on top (dorsally) these dorsal (top) thickenings bands are located at the top of the shaft and ultimately extend into the glans distally as a single structure.

29- The outer layer bundles are oriented along the length of the shaft from base to glans, and they condense to form triangular ligamentous structures that we call ventral thickenings located at the underside of the penis.

30- The absence of intercavernous bundles between the ventral (bottom) thickenings allows the corpus spongiosum (cs) to expand without restriction.

31- There are increases in the numbers of synapses in the LPO, in the numbers of vesicles per synapse, and even in the length of the postsynaptic thickenings in left IMHV and LPO.

32- The accumulation of these recorded events shows in the fascia as all kinds of twists, rotations, thickenings , contractions and adhesions, or plainly stated a deterioration of overall balance and resiliency of the myofascial system.

33- Dorsal thickenings at the Base

34- The esophageal sphincters are functional, but not anatomical sphincters, meaning that they are sections of the esophageal wall that act as a sphincter, but do not have distinct thickenings like other sphincters.-

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