the telephone in a sentence

Use “the telephone” in a sentence | “the telephone” example sentences

51- I talked to her on the telephone.

52- I was in the bath, with the result that I didn’t hear the telephone.

53- arashi_Everyone knows that Bell invented the telephone.

54- Nobody answered the telephone.

55- I got all choked up when I heard the voice of Ryo over the telephone.

56- He must have been sleeping because he didn’t answer the telephone.

57- Let him use the telephone.

58- As soon as he sat down, he picked up the telephone.

59- He’s talking on the telephone.

60- I spoke to my uncle on the telephone.

61- I called him to the telephone.

62- I talked with him about it over the telephone.

63- I spoke to him about it over the telephone.

64- She asked me whether she could use the telephone.

65- She was wanted on the telephone.

66- I can’t talk over the telephone.

67- His hand strayed to the telephone.

68- Can someone answer the telephone?

69- Could you tell me how to use the telephone?

70- Gina, as usual, was gabbling away on the telephone!

71- On the telephone, he mentioned that he had been ill.

72- She does her work over the telephone, which rings constantly.

73- He is going to raise us on the telephone.

74- He sounded very sorry for himself on the telephone.

75- He was equally at ease on the telephone.

76- He would spend hours in the bathroom or on the telephone.

77- He would spend hours on the telephone.

78- He’s not very coherent on the telephone.

79- Her voice sounded very deep on the telephone.

80- I stayed obstinately in my room, sitting by the telephone.

81- I was suddenly woken up by the shrill ringing of the telephone.

82- I’ve talked with him on the telephone.

83- My boss doesn’t allow me to use the telephone.

84- My dad’s such a cheapskate that he’s put a lock on the telephone.

85- She always sounds abrupt on the telephone.

86- the company sent a man to hook up the telephone.

87- the idea eventually led to the invention of the telephone.

88- There was a long interval before he anwsered the telephone.

89- They talked business on the telephone.

90- Tina was tense, her hand poised over the telephone.

91- You can reserve seats over the telephone.

92- She can’t come to the telephone; she’s serving a client.

93- He will have been heartened by the telephone opinion poll published yesterday.

94- Graham took classified ads over the telephone and learned what hard work it was.

95- Guglielmo Marconi was born in Bologna, Italy, the year the telephone was invented.

96- She had nearly got out of the bath and put on her clothes when the telephone rang.

97- the telephone rang three times before I heard a click and then her recorded voice.

98- Will you cover for me at the telephone switchboard while I run out to post a letter?

99- He wanted to rage and swear, to shout down the telephone and fire off angry memoranda.

100- I was just snuggling down into my warm duvet when the telephone rang.

More Sentences: 12

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