tetanuses in a sentence

Use “tetanuses” in a sentence | “tetanuses” example sentences

1- I duck inside the clinic for a tetanus shot.

2- You need to have a tetanus injection.

3- All horses with puncture wounds should be immunized against tetanus .

4- Any unimmunised person is at risk from tetanus including infants.

5- Does having a tetanus infection protect from getting tetanus again?

6- Does having a tetanus infection protect from getting tetanus again?

7- Have you had a tetanus shot in the last five years?

8- If you are worried about tetanus get the vaccination.

9- Neonatal tetanus is rare in developed countries.

10- Field ambulances performed urgent surgery, gave tetanus inoculations and fed patients.

11- Stocks of the tetanus vaccine are also reportedly low countrywide .

12- These will protect you for a short time against tetanus .

13- I had to get a tetanus shot later that day.

14- Dirty wounds can become infected with tetanus spores anywhere in the world.

15- It also protects against diphtheria and tetanus .

tetanuses in a sentence

Use “tetanuses” in a sentence | “tetanuses” example sentences



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