terrorist in a sentence

Use “terrorist” in a sentence | “terrorist” example sentences

1- A report released following the terrorist attacks on the WTC stated that without the devastating fires, the towers probably would have remained standing.

2- The first anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11th was observed with countless memorials, both public and private.

3- A number of tourists appear to have been abducted by a terrorist group opposed to foreign visitors to the country.

4- A number of airlines have had to file for bankruptcy since the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center made some people afraid to fly.

5- Authorities insist that warnings of possible terrorist bombings targeting aid workers in the region are based on credible information.

6- Controls can hinder terrorist attacks but EU leaders know there is no such thing as 100% security.

7- September 11th taught the world that even the world’s most powerful nation is not immune to terrorist attacks.

8- There are three cases where people are not able to do English questionsThe Department of Homeland Security’s primary function is the prevention of terrorist attacks occurring within America and, in the extreme case of an attack happening, holding losses to the smallest possible level and swiftly carrying out restoration.

9- America’s radioactive waste may be targeted in terrorist attacks.

10- A terrorist bomb ripped through the town’s packed shopping centre.

11- A terrorist bomb that left 168 people dead.

12- A terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the killing.

13- A terrorist standing on my side to open fire everywhere.

14- After the terrorist attack, people look consternated.

15- Any major airport or station is potentially a terrorist target.

16- Fears of renewed terrorist attacks cast a cloud over the event .

17- He masterminded a number of terrorist attacks.

18- He paid the terrorist a ransom of 50000 for his kidnapped son.

19- He was kidnapped and briefly detained by a terrorist group.

20- Israel and the United States consider Hamas a terrorist group.

21- It’s a prime target for terrorist attacks.

22- Mumbai large – scale terrorist attack with many casualties.

23- People are seeking retribution for the latest terrorist outrages.

24- SUFFERING from a tsunami or terrorist attack comes in stages.

25- The bombing was the latest in a spate of terrorist attacks.

26- The foreign ministry called the ambush a “dastardly terrorist act.”

27- The government will not give in to terrorist threats .

28- The political party is used as a cloak for terrorist activities.

29- The road blocks were a counter to terrorist attacks in that area.

30- The terrorist attack prompted knee-jerk legislation.

31- The terrorist demanded money from the child’s parents.

32- The terrorist was kept under police guard.

33- These offices are highly vulnerable to terrorist attack.

34- They aimed to make the country safe from terrorist attacks.

35- They believe that judges are too lenient with terrorist suspects.

36- Two soldiers were killed in a terrorist ambush.

37- Victims are demanding retribution for the terrorist attacks.

38- You diverted money from my wife’s foundation to a terrorist group?

39- Without my gun, I’m a sitting duck for any terrorist.

40- Without the gun, I’m a sitting duck for any terrorist.

41- The police are now allowed to detain terrorist suspects for as long as a week.

42- The former leader of the terrorist group has called for an end to the violence.

43- The group is believed to have been responsible for several terrorist incidents.

44- The government says it is being held to ransom by the actions of terrorist groups.

45- The couple were unlucky enough to be in the hotel when the terrorist group struck.

46- The shooting may have been in retaliation for the arrest of the terrorist suspects.

47- Yes, Even though there has security measure, But may not avoid some terrorist sabotage.

48- On the day after the terrorist attack, the overall mood in the town was one of vengeance.

Related Words:
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