terrified scream in a sentence

Use ‘terrified scream’ in a sentence | ‘terrified scream’ example sentences

1- Then there was a piercing, terrified scream .

2- Instead, he let out a terrified scream .

3- I let out a terrified scream and scuttled down the stairs.

4- From my right came a terrified scream , and I glanced over.

5- Better, some darker part of her thought, than fearful gazes and terrified screams .

6- I was jolted from my task when I heard Zoey’s frantic, terrified scream .

7- He went from being an absolutely terrified screaming cat to almost completely calm within 30 seconds of administration.

8- Edmund denies this and as he does so, a terrified scream is heard from the kitchen.

9- Her terrified screams for help and seeming ignorance about what’s happening to her amuse and inflame the girls.

10- She yelled at the top of her lungs, calling again and again until at last he heard her terrified screams .

11- Other witnesses have testified to hearing a woman’s terrified screams in the house before and during the volley of shots.

12- ASH ….I found that I had slept too long. 648 ASH 648 is so small a dot now, and so far away, that we almost can’t hear his terrified scream !

13- He had just attached the sign to the biggest of the wheels when a long terrified scream ripped through the constant background noise of playful shrieks and laughter.

14- Startled by her waking, Jensa shoots off to hide behind a tree and gives a shrill terrified scream at the sight of the Dragon, having never seen such a large winged iguana before.

15- Above the jingle of harness bells sounded the oaths of the driver, the crashing of his whip, a single terrified scream of a horse as the lash bit his frosted skin.

16- In the middle of the ceiling, her body was suddenly released, and Tina flopped onto the bloodied bed and floor below ( 1 death) . Her terrified screams and Rod’s loud threat: “Who did this?

17- Cleverly blended with gentle night breezes that carry with them the terrified screams of the latest victim of a human with deadly intent that stalks the dark alleys, seeking in his damaged mind a perverted sense of justice.

18- Four prosecution witnesses – neighbours Michelle Burger, Charl Johnson, Johan Stipp and Anette Stipp – testified to hearing loud shouting, terrified screams from a woman and gunshots on the night Ms. Steenkamp died.

19- Eyewitness reports describe panic-stricken refugees diving into the water to escape the flames and that their terrified screaming could be heard miles away.

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