terrible scream in a sentence

Use ‘terrible scream’ in a sentence | ‘terrible scream’ example sentences

1- With a terrible scream the thing faded and vanished.

2- I could smell smoke and hear the most terrible screams .

3- But suddenly, I heard a loud and terrible scream .

4- There were terrible screams of horror.

5- Satan let out a terrible scream .

6- Occasionally the started a terrible screaming and yelling in order to frighten the Americans.

7- With a terrible scream , the Count died, slain for the final time.

8- That night she was woken by the most terrible screams that she had ever heard.

9- Under the terrible screams of Melec and his relatives, thus began his execution.

10- We were aroused late that night by the most terrible screams and a pounding on the door.

11- His hands were shaking, and it was hard for him to stand in the terrible screaming wind.

12- Behind him the dogs bayed in triumph, then suddenly there came a terrible scream which clutched Corbett’s heart – a cry of dreadful despair.

13- The people of the island heard the angry Tohunga’s terrible screams , but did not realise the horrible retribution he would take.

14- Lludd’s kingdom is beset by three menaces: the Coraniaid, a demonic people who can hear everything; a terrible scream that is heard every May Eve that terrifies the people; and the continual disappearance of the provisions of the king’s court.

15- I remember that there was terrible screaming and that blows were delivered, but for the life of me I can’t recall ever making sense of the basic problem.

16- PETER MAASS : And while this interview was going on, me and the Saudi, with Jim Steele also in the room, there were these terrible screams .

17- Caspar, who distrusted most magic on principle, thought that probably nothing would happen at all and the evening would end as so many evenings were ending lately; with the heating of the squares and the terrible screaming of the victims.

18- well if we hear, if we hear a terrible scream one weekend, we’ll know it’s happened

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