tends in a sentence

Use “tends” in a sentence | “tends” example sentences

1- Averil Coxhead has noted that academic vocabulary tends to be connected to abstract ideas rather than concrete ones.

2- Mass involvement tends to favour sports such as swimming and aerobics, and tends to stress the competitive aspects less than men.

3- One tends to shout when excited.

4- He tends to shy away from anything that involves public speaking.

5- The world’s population tends to increase.

6- Political activity tends to be discouraged in most work places.

7- The government tends to control the media.

8- Everybody tends to be lazy.

9- It tends to rain here a lot in the summer.

10- He tends to tell lies.

11- He tends to talk too much.

12- He tends to think of everything in terms of money.

13- He did nothing wrongHe tends to be idle.

14- He tends to do everything to excess.

15- He tends to be late for meetings.

16- He tends to place more stress on society in general than on individual.

17- He tends to get angry over trifles.

18- He tends to get angry when he doesn’t have his own way.

19- He tends to get angry when he does not have his own way.

20- He tends to take sides with the weaker party.

21- He tends to get angry when people oppose him.

22- He tends to consider things too much earnestly.

23- She tends to be late for school.

24- She tends to talk too much.

25- She tends to get carried away when arguing about that matter.

26- She tends to underestimate her own ability.

27- She tends to speak ill of others.

28- She tends to speak rapidly.

29- A mother tends to hold her baby on the left.

30- Divorce tends to be associated with a negative image.

31- Jim tends to go too far.

32- She tends to go to extremes.

33- The river here tends eastward.

34- Her style tends to elaboration.

35- Spinach tends to boil down a lot.

36- He tends to belittle her efforts.

37- As children leave home marital satisfaction tends to pick up again.

38- As the work tends to be a bit messy you’ll need to wear old clothes.

39- Bedouin tribal elder tends camels at nightfall in Sahamah, Oman.

40- Fat tends to accumulate around the hips and thighs.

41- First, formal language tends to be more polite.

42- Having small children tends to restrict your freedom.

43- He tends to adopt a defensive posture towards new ideas.

44- He tends to avoid all physical contact.

45- He tends to be romantic owing to lack of experience.

46- He tends to exaggerate the difficulties.

47- He tends to get carried away when watching wrestling on TV.

48- He tends to get quarrelsome when he is drunk.

49- He tends to idealize his life in the college.

50- He tends to overestimate his own abilities.

51- He tends to sit on the fence at meetings.

52- He tends to stoop because he’s so tall.

53- He tends to take a sanguine view of the problems involved.

54- Her prose style is not always felicitous; she tends to repetition.

55- Her washing machine tends to fray edges on intricate designs.

56- His religious philosophy tends towards pantheism.

57- I like silk, but it tends to wrinkle.

58- In fact it tends to generate some very discordant results.

59- In peacetime military technology tends towards inertia.

60- In summer the coat tends to become dappled with darker spots.

61- It tends to bear out your faith in this company’s approach.

62- It therefore tends to be palliative rather than curative.

63- Later on in life the money drive tends to diminish.

64- Living in a countryside tends to insulate us from the outside world.

65- Mathison’s brusque style tends to irritate colleagues.

66- Meditation tends to lower or normalize blood pressure.

67- Mike tends to be more animated in the presence of women.

68- My car tends to overheat in the summer.

69- One who tends to make harsh or carping judgments; a faultfinder.

70- One’s opinion tends to differ in accordance with one’s standpoint.

71- Paul still tends to dish out unwanted advice.

72- Pneumonia tends to be caused by streptococcal or viral infection.

73- Price tends to dominate all other considerations.

74- Research tends to move along at a slow but orderly pace.

75- She tends to over-react when things go wrong.

76- She tends to wear quite smart clothes for work.

77- She’s getting old and she tends to ramble a bit.

78- Susan tends to get the giggles at the most inappropriate moments.

79- Television news, in other words, tends to frighten people.

80- Television tends to glamorize acts of violence.

81- Television tends to glamorize violence.

82- That tends to make people want to hoard.

83- The architecture tends to be four-square and unimaginative.

84- The conductor tends to be tyrannical at concert rehearsals.

85- The director tends to establish his relatives in the best jobs.

86- The drawback of this printer is that the ink tends to smudge.

87- The mass media tends to personalize politics.

88- The plant tends to grow in the lighter margins of woodland areas.

89- The popular press tends to represent him as an environmental guru.

90- The process of distillation tends to alter the aroma to a degree.

91- The report tends to magnify the risks involved.

92- The weekly meeting tends to be deadly dull .

93- Then, as in any strike, solidarity tends to erode as time goes by.

94- This drug tends to elevate body temperature.

95- This nomenclature tends to confuse the terminology.

96- This report tends to magnify the risks involved.

97- Trade tends to be protected when international tensions heighten.

98- Work produced on a word processor tends to look more professional.

99- Stem stitch which would be fine on cloth tends to get hidden on knitted fabric.

100- This approach tends to wait on the scientists to provide a satisfactory answer.

101- However some dirt, or soil as it tends to be called, is not dissolved by water.

102- It tends to be unrelated to physical exertion and unresponsive to nitroglycerin.

103- Straight on, either front or back, the human being tends to look somewhat banal.

104- As a man of letters, Fraser tends to emphasise rhetoric at the expense of reality.

105- Economic aid tends to undermine the national independence of third world countries.

106- Ulcer pain is relieved by food and tends to come back an hour or more after eating.

107- The availability of good medical care tends to vary inversely with the need for it.

108- He tends to adopt a condescending manner when talking to young women.

109- Be careful if you use that video recorder. It tends to chew tapes up.

110- The lubricity of low sulfur diesel fuels tends to be poor due to deep desulfurization.

111- Odd, of course, a bit zany, but the odder the book the better it tends to do nowadays.

112- The base is broadened and the patient tends to walk with an unsteady foot-slapping gait.

113- But the fact that the guy is wearing a Comedy Central shirt tends to squelch the impact.

114- Being in a car that is lifted into the sky by a twister tends to give you good material.

115- Ordinary duct tape will do well enough, but tends to dry out from the heat of the ducts.

116- Paintwork on the corner of a stairway tends to get nicked and scratched as people pass by.

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