tea urn in a sentence

Use “tea urn” in a sentence | “tea urn” example sentences

1- Eyes turned again to the tea urn .

2- How long does our usual tea urn take to boil?

3- This was a pun on ” tea urn “, a vessel for serving hot drinks used in workplaces.

4- There’s none for the tea urns or the washing up or…’ her voice dropped dramatically.

5- The long popularity of steam launches on Windermere has even given its name to the Windermere kettle, a steam-powered tea urn .

6- Yes, but is there somebody going to be climbing all over us saying No no no, you can’t use our tea urn , .

7- Later in life Bruce recalled of the war, “I lived in NAAFI canteens and was passed around like a tea urn .

8- We were told to take food and water on a train going down to Mandalay and I remember taking the Mothers’ Union tea urn !

9- He fined one of his players, John Hewitt, for overtaking him on a public road, and kicked a tea urn at the players at half time after a poor first half.

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