tea towel in a sentence

Use “tea towel” in a sentence | “tea towel” example sentences

1- Wash dish cloths and tea towels frequently.

2- Bed linen towels and tea towels are provided.

3- The tea towel is definitely a versatile powerhouse !

4- Dish clothes and tea towels are included.

5- Harry recognized the tea towel at once.

6- All towels and bed linen are provided together with tea towels .

7- I keep a tea towel hanging near the sink.

8- She was drying a plate on a tea towel .

9- Iron and tea towel did not work.

10- Cover with a tea towel or plastic wrap.

11- Like mum’s got her tea towels on.

12- You either win a tea towel or a bag.

13- tea towels , and bath and hand towels are supplied.

14- tea towels , loo rolls and soap are provided.

15- tea towels , oven gloves and dishclothes are supplied.

16- A. Lay a dry tea towel over the white mark.

17- Cool for 5 minutes then cover with a damp tea towel .

18- Those are the mums and toddler tea towels .

19- He flung the damp tea towel on to the table.

20- Tenants will require beach and tea towels .

21- towels at this hotel resembled our striped tea towels .

22- I hope he hasn’t got his tea towel with him!

23- Cover the area with a clean dry tea towel or something similar.

24- Leave it in the tray and cover with a tea towel .

25- Anne Cheetham managed to sell me a tea towel to match!

26- I was amazed that this works with the iron and tea towel !

27- They employ tea towels , kitchen knives, scissors and even tongs.

28- Dish cloth, for tea towel .

29- What happened to the tea towel ?

30- Did the tea towel go pink?

31- Do you need a tea towel ?

32- All bed linen, towels and tea towels are included in the rental.

33- Oh , and my vintage embroidered tea towels would make great napkins!

34- tea towels innit, on Thursday.

35- Pillows, pillowslips, two tea towels .

36- Many of their designs feature canning jars, like this tea towel set.

37- She smacked him playfully on the bottom with her tea towel .

38- Store other species in plastic or under damp tea towels in the fridge.

39- I tried the Iron & tea towel method.It worked 95%.

40- Campylobacter has been recovered from tea towels , dishcloths and scouring pads.

Related Words:
tea breaktea caddytea chesttea clothtea gardentea leavestea partytea toweltea servicetea tree oiltea shoprooibos teabe no tea partytea and sympathymint tea

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