tea cosy in a sentence

Use “tea cosy” in a sentence | “tea cosy” example sentences

1- If this is the case, the tea cosy is replaced after everyone has been served.

2- A tea cosy is often used to keep the temperature of the tea in a teapot constant.

3- He used to wear a tea cosy on his head in cold weather in the North Sea.

4- The first contact I had with Ittoqqortoormiit was because I had a tea cosy for Christmas from Ittoqqortoormiit.

5- If I had put a tea cosy on my head I would have been a dead ringer for Mrs Pankhurst, but it affected my behaviour even more than my looks.

6- You can add such a lot to your own stitching by finishing those many ufo’s as bellpulls, ornaments, stitching pockets, needle holders, scissors keeps and fobs, tuffets (biscornu’s), and other household items like tea cosies .

7- I saw an elderly lady with half a lifetime of raffles behind her and half a dozen tea cosies in her drawer, winning yet another tea cosy and, smiling, handing it back to be re-raffled.

8- I saw an elderly lady with half a lifetime of raffles behind her and half a dozen tea cosies in her drawer, winning yet another tea cosy and, smiling, handing it back to be re-raffled.

9- Well, he’s back with more yarn than the wool shop in Cirencester where we bought a tea cosy for the office and, boy, is he ready to spin it.

10- He is picking through the belongings of his former Christian neighbor to see if he can find that tea cosy his wife always admired.

11- We took our own teapot and tea cosy over this year as there is not usually one in any of the villas we have been to and when we got there you already had a teapot that’s great.

12- The machine knits what Pingu thinks is a hat, and he puts it on, but Mother shows him that it’s not a hat but a tea cosy .

Related Words:
strong teaweak teablack teawhite teamilky teahigh teaRich Teatea cosytea shoptea urncream teagreen teatea breaktea caddytea chest

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