tea chest in a sentence

Use “tea chest” in a sentence | “tea chest” example sentences

1- He fell on to the tea chest .

2- Each tea chest was designed by its owner to their specifications.

3- Because people will put books into tea chests then you can’t lift them.

4- In the same tea chest he came across a cube-shaped case made of orange plastic.

5- The Dana tea chest has a rich tradition in the Japanese household as well.

6- He rested his hand on a cardboard box behind the tea chest and pushed himself up.

7- We was too cold to sleep, to exhausted to search out extra blankets from unlabelled tea chests .

8- Finally, the teas are weighed and packed into tea chests or paper sacks and then given a close inspection.

9- We shall take up the consequences of throwing tea chests into Boston Harbour when we come to our next chapter.

10- The tea leaves are packaged loosely in a canister, paper bag, or other container such as a tea chest .

11- Additionally, the museum possesses one of two known tea chests from the original event, part of its permanent collection.

12- Police are questioning at least three people after discovering a huge cache of semtex in a tea chest in East London.

13- On the left, near the end of the gangway, was a blue suitcase resting on top of a tea chest .

14- And the tea in tea chests , loose tea in tea chests and you used to weigh it up by the quarter.

15- And the tea in tea chests, loose tea in tea chests and you used to weigh it up by the quarter.

16- Working tools were made from wood stripped from sleeping bunks and tea chests , the chisel being fashioned out of a piece of reinforcing rod from a bombed building and rubbed, for many hours, on a stone.

17- Our end table has taken the main elements of the classic tea chest and blended them to create a table that is at home in the kitchen, dining room or any other space where varied storage and shelving is needed.

18- In fact he couldn’t get them all in, and he acquired a second box, a small tea chest he found, with metal corners.

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tea cosytea shoptea urncream teagreen teatea breaktea caddytea chesttea clothtea gardentea leavestea partytea toweltea servicetea tree oil

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