taxpaying in a sentence

Use “taxpaying” in a sentence | “taxpaying” example sentences

1- Now, the taxpaying public is being asked to bail out these same financial firms.

2- taxpaying teams have additional spending limits under the new agreement.

3- The discount rate differs for taxpaying and non-taxpaying companies.

4- She goes without, even though she is a productive taxpaying citizen.

5- Apple ‘s stock is owned by a lot of small, taxpaying shareholders.

6- Insuring no layoffs for lawenforcement but jepordizing safety for taxpaying citizens .

7- Johnson’s policies were largely supported by the student body and the taxpaying public.

8- It’s a sum equivalent to more than £2,000 for every taxpaying household.

9- National security is their number one job , but sadly we taxpaying Americans come last.

10- As of 2010, there were 118.7 million taxpaying households in the United States.

11- And Mario Treviño is almost as powerless as the taxpaying public to change the situation.

12- Tens of thousands of taxpaying citizens were without representation for decades into the 20th century.

13- States entering the Union after 1815 either had universal white male suffrage or a low taxpaying requirement.

14- taxpaying parishioners were to select the rector and the vestry, which would manage the parish.

15- King Charles XI withdrew large noble estates to the Swedish Crown effectively turning serfs to taxpaying farmers.

16- Under King Charles XI large noble estates reverted to the Swedish Crown, effectively turning serfs into taxpaying farmers.

17- And if they ‘re channeled in the right direction, they can become happy, productive, taxpaying citizens.

18- The more than 12 million salaried workers who are registered to pay tax constitute 56% of the taxpaying base.

19- If every taxpaying American were given the bailout money Obama gave away , we’d all be $65,000,000 richer.

20- Using the NPV method a taxpaying company would evaluate the two alternative methods of financing as shown in the panel.

21- In all, 1,678 people were interviewed from a cross-section of the taxpaying population including both the self-employed and employees.

22- The majority of crimes are NOT committed by hard working , law abiding, taxpaying , legally owning and registering citizens.

23- They need to start meeting their obligations to taxpaying property owners and stop behaving like the British tyrants of long ago.

24- In 1785, not a slave was held in the town and in 1783 taxpaying blacks had the right to vote.

25- Doing nothing is doing a disservice to the taxpaying citizens of our state and to the small businesses that are suffering.

26- The Chief Minister ‘s attempt to target upper-caste poor through the pension scheme could also end up antagonising the taxpaying public.

27- A counterargument is that stay-at-home mothers do contribute mightily to the economy as consumers and as part of a taxpaying couple.

28- Therefore, your taxpaying partner will have to complete the deed of covenant in order for us to claim the tax.

29- They are willing to punish hard-working, taxpaying citizens of this country in order to advance their far-left, big government agenda.

30- As a mere taxpaying citizen though, I confess I prefer to scrutinise certain degrees, at least, mainly from the consumer’s point of view: as providing a (hopefully) reliable indication of a certain level of likely future performance.

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