taxpayers in a sentence

Use “taxpayers” in a sentence | “taxpayers” example sentences

1- Are taxpayers getting enough bang for their buck?

2- The cost to taxpayers would be minimal.

3- They agreed to indemnify the taxpayers against any loss.

4- We want to ensure that all local taxpayers reap these benefits.

5- As taxpayers, the same residents provide financial resources.

6- Finance for education comes from taxpayers.

7- Finance for the National Health Service comes from taxpayers.

8- These people are just sponging off the taxpayers.

9- When she makes campaign appearances, the taxpayers of North Dakota pay for it.

10- The resulting bailout will ultimately cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars.

11- Inflation adjusting income tax bracket levels is important for taxpayers .

12- Researchers estimate that such crime costs taxpayers $188 billion annually.

13- The single best break for middle class taxpayers is home ownership.

14- The housing costs taxpayers $252 per child per day.

15- Other taxpayers must file income tax returns each year.

16- Defense procurement budgets are but taxpayers money.

17- The original leases were lousy deals for taxpayers .

18- This money is bleeding taxpayers dry in higher food .

19- This would benefit 25 million basic rate taxpayers .

20- Government should stop giving taxpayers cash to charities too .

21- US taxpayers lost nearly half a billion dollars .

22- The pension plan costs taxpayers $7.5 million annually.

23- The failure cost taxpayers $1.2 billion.

24- We only have 85 million working taxpayers .

25- The announcement did not name individual taxpayers or charities.

26- This would save taxpayers more than £4 billion annually.

27- No other workplace entitlement is funded by taxpayers .

28- This will save taxpayers $98 million over five years.

29- This will save taxpayers $43 million over five years.

30- The ruling could cost taxpayers millions of pounds.

31- Christianity was the first great taxpayers cult.

32- A slew of tax provision changes hit taxpayers in 2013.

33- Some taxpayers somewhere are paying for that subsidy.

34- Do the adult taxpayers have separate bedrooms?

35- Do the taxpayers maintain separate finances and separate bank accounts?

36- This rule applies to the following taxpayers .

37- The credit is available to all taxpayers .

38- And where are the residents and taxpayers screaming?

39- U.S. taxpayers should not foot the entire bill.

40- No more living high on the taxpayers dime.

41- What it means is higher bills for local taxpayers .

42- Florida taxpayers were forced to cover $400 million in losses.

43- No single accounting method is required of all taxpayers .

44- The law allows taxpayers to choose a withholding amount.

45- This is often the case for cash basis taxpayers .

46- Most taxpayers received modest tax credits for their retirement account contributions.

47- I am not reducing taxes on high income taxpayers .

48- This is money taxpayers have to pay.

49- Why should taxpayers support this type of program?

50- How many taxpayers are now filing their returns electronically?

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