taxonomy in a sentence

Use “taxonomy” in a sentence | “taxonomy” example sentences

1- To taxonomy, though, their essence lies in years to come.

2- That comforts both creationists and experts on- taxonomy.

3- How can taxonomy work if its subjects can no longer claim an unblemished identity?

4- Another taxonomy for political systems is based on the system of political parties.

5- Using this taxonomy of barriers, estimates of the benefits of removing them were made.

6- Ostracod taxonomy and phylogeny contribute to general studies of crustacean evolution.

7- A taxonomy is a formal classification system.

8- A taxonomy of mixed reality visual displays.

9- The taxonomy of catfish is quickly changing.

10- Consequently the taxonomy has been historically complex.

11- The implications of this taxonomy are clear.

12- My weakness is probably in pathology and taxonomy .

13- There are several elements in the taxonomy .

14- Use a generalized taxonomy to identify risk.

15- The researchers developed a taxonomy of individual dance moves.

16- The taxonomy of these complex bacteria remains tentative.

17- The taxonomy of this species is extremely confusing.

18- The taxonomy of the genus is complicated.

19- The taxonomy has proved very complex and difficult to resolve.

20- The taxonomy of this zoo is described elsewhere.

21- Biological classification is a form of scientific taxonomy .

22- Their taxonomy is in doubt and requires further study.

23- Unlike religion , taxonomy is based on science.

24- A. The science of plant identification is called plant taxonomy .

25- As discussed above, hominoid taxonomy has undergone several changes.

26- Taxonomies inevitably reflect culturally and personally relative world views.

27- There is no perfect taxonomy for a filing system.

28- Together, the whole system is a taxonomy .

29- The taxonomy of the three families is complex and rather controversial.

30- What is the taxonomy of processes in care transitions?

31- Identifying and naming species is the providence of alpha taxonomy .

32- Unlike biological taxonomy , a space may belong to several species.

33- The taxonomy was not widely accepted and is no longer used.

34- As a result, no overall model taxonomy is naturally available.

35- This process is crucial to the science of biological taxonomy .

36- Unlike scientific taxonomy , folk taxonomies serve many purposes.

37- Unlike scientific taxonomy, folk taxonomies serve many purposes.

38- Scholastic theologians augmented and ordered the taxonomy of angelic guardians.

39- In literature, genre has been known as an intangible taxonomy .

40- The taxonomy of the various populations is still not fully settled.

41- How does your organization use taxonomy to manage content sprawl?

42- The real problem is with the underlying taxonomy and metadata.

43- We also talked about using taxonomy to create dynamic topic pages.

44- The taxonomy of this genus is disputed at present .

45- Q. What are the purposes of plant taxonomy ?

46- Enterprise resource planning: A taxonomy of critical factors.

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