taxonomists in a sentence

Use “taxonomists” in a sentence | “taxonomists” example sentences

1- There is little agreement among taxonomists concerning the phylogeny of crustaceans.

2- The classification of cultivated bananas has long been a problematic issue for taxonomists .

3- However, most if not all taxonomists would strongly disagree.

4- This was the task of the taxonomists , the plant classifiers.

5- taxonomists regard these as a subspecies, C. c. capellanus .

6- Some taxonomists disagree on these classifications.

7- Most cycad taxonomists agree on a modified version of the evolutionary species concept.

8- taxonomists are also concerned with classification, including its principles, procedures and rules.

9- However, several years would have been required for taxonomists to completely delimit species.

10- MANILAL, K.S. “Directory of Indian taxonomists “.

11- The Brazilian taxonomist Guido Pabst considered this species a variety of the later.

12- The International Association of Plant taxonomists .

13- Relations in the family Magnoliaceae have been puzzling taxonomists for a long time.

14- Phylogenetic taxonomists have hitherto been very reluctant to suggest delimitations of enantiornithine clades.

15- They are a showy tribe and taxonomists have had a field day naming them.

16- However, some taxonomists have separated them into their own order, Trochiliformes.

17- Training of new taxonomists is also an important aspect of the Garden’s goals.

18- As a taxonomist , he specialised in dipterans (ordinary flies and mosquitoes).

19- The Neuropterida are often lumped or split on the whims of the taxonomist .

20- The taxonomists have had some difficulty in placing tree shrews in the right zoological category.

21- Further, some taxonomists group hippopotamuses and anthracotheres in the superfamily Anthracotheroidea.

22- Setting the circumscription of a taxon is done by a taxonomist in a publication.

23- He is remembered, at least in malacology, as a taxonomist of considerable stature.

24- Description of new taxa has always been dependent on the activity of a few dedicated taxonomists .

25- As they are not all from one genus, taxonomists tend to dislike the term.

26- Three out of these four polytypic species are already split into two by some taxonomists .

27- There are three primary camps in systematics; cladists, pheneticists, and evolutionary taxonomists .

28- Maupertuis’s ideas were in opposition to the influence of early taxonomists like John Ray.

29- To some taxonomists , the urgency to find these forms of life is greater than ever.

30- He was also a renowned taxonomist , tropical explorer, ornithologist, and historian of science.

31- Some taxonomists wanted to go beyond mere classification and investigate the geographical distribution of the various species.

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