tax disc in a sentence

Use “tax disc” in a sentence | “tax disc” example sentences

1- The tax disc has had a good innings.

2- What will the tax disc changes mean for policing road tax?

3- It’s cheaper to get a tax disc .

4- The paper tax disc will be scrapped on October 1st 2014.

5- Each owner will also receive an individually numbered black alloy tax disc holder.

6- Various classes and uses of vehicle are provided with a tax disc without charge.

7- A tax disc for the Golf will cost you £35 a year.

8- But why the tax disc ?

9- Anyone still using a paper tax disc after this date will be breaking the law.

10- The declaration must be made in the month of expiry of your current motor tax disc .

11- It can be paid online; verification of insurance details is required to get a tax disc .

12- This Dealer branding even extends to the tax disc holder and window sticker for the true enthusiast.

13- He says they can even zoom in on tax discs to see if they’re valid.

14- He looked at the tax disc on the windscreen and motioned Michael to wind down his window.

15- Bicycles display tax discs .

16- The price of car tax discs will rise by five pounds to a hundred and thirty pounds a year.

17- Two traffic wardens have been knocked down by a car after questioning the driver about a photocopied tax disc .

18- You don’t need to register a class 2 invalid carriage and they don’t need a tax disc .

19- Anyway the tax disc money just goes into the general tax take , it’s not reserved for roads.

20- A WOMAN was fined £231 with £30 costs yesterday after she admitted fraudulent use of a car tax disc .

21- Jude, from Cobham, Surrey, has a collection of 12,000 tax discs with his oldest dating back to 1926.

22- SHARP increases in the price of petrol and car tax discs were greeted with anger last night by Britain’s motoring organisations.

23- Barnacle are perhaps best remembered – at least by people who have actually heard of the name – for their suction tax disc holders , and I’ve several myself.

24- For many car buyers, a tax disc with an expiry date months down the line is a useful consideration when choosing a new vehicle: however, the new ruling will mean that they will have to tax the vehicle immediately after purchase, or run the risk of being caught driving an untaxed vehicle.

25- While unexpired tax discs are currently transferred with the sale of a vehicle, this will not be the case as from 1 October.

26- FROM 1 OCTOBER 2014, paper tax discs will be made redundant; replaced instead with a new electronic system that is being introduced by the DVLA.

27- When you own a car you need to keep your driving licence, registration document, MOT certificate, and the like somewhere where you can find them every time your car needs a new tax disc .

28- This is a big handsome car with strong performance and also pretty reasonable fuel economy, and a CO2 output that keeps it at the more acceptable end of the tax disc scale.

29- As the range of knowledge necessary is considerable and so much paperwork is involved very few Sub-Post Offices issue tax discs at that time.

30- Journalists should insist on receiving these details from the court clerk, by citing the case of R v Evesham Justices ex parte McDonagh: A former Tory MP was charged with driving without a tax disc .

31- The DVLA produced the above video advertisement to raise awareness of the demise of the tax disc but a recent survey by suggests that 50% of motorists are still unaware that the tax disc change is imminent.

32- The DVLA produced the above video advertisement to raise awareness of the demise of the tax disc but a recent survey by suggests that 50% of motorists are still unaware that the tax disc change is imminent.

33- He added: “I saw the tax disc on the abandoned Fiat and thought it would be an interesting thing to collect.

34- Car enthusiast and Auto Express reader Jude started collecting tax discs in 2009 after spotting one on the windscreen of an abandoned Fiat advertised online.

35- For most 12-year-olds, the death of the tax disc won’t mean much, but that’s not true for Jude Currie.

36- It’s already the case that most inspectors patrolling the roads in search of un-taxed vehicles use automatic number plate readers instead of visually checking the tax disc .

37- The new car tax system isn’t being phased in gradually, from October 1st 2014 you’ll no longer need to display a road tax disc on your car windscreen.

38- Meanwhile, the RAC claims that the ending of the paper tax disc could lead to tax evasion – costing the economy £167million a year.

39- Rather than the visual check that the tax disc made possible, the authorities will rely on numberplate recognition cameras to determine that a vehicle has been taxed.

40- On October 1st 2014, the traditional UK tax disc will be unceremoniously phased out as part of an overhaul of road tax arrangements that promises to make paying your car tax easier and the whole system cheaper to run.

Related Words:
head taxpoll taxpre-taxroad taxsin taxtax basetax bitetax disctax formtax-freetax lientax losstax taketax yearafter-tax

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