tattling in a sentence

Use “tattling” in a sentence | “tattling” example sentences

1- Robert is always tattling on me for things I didn’t do.

2- Why not just give tattling a new name.

3- You need to understand that tattling is pro-social aggression.

4- I think tattling definitely helps children develop this sense.

5- Not much time was spent on tattling .

6- It’s tattling to tell an adult about a bully.

7- The tattling must begin by formally addressing the Dictator.

8- Some maintain that tattling is appropriate only when someone is being hurt physically.

9- It’s not tattling if someone kicked them in the bathroom!

10- What harm does tattling cause us?

11- Could you give me some feedback on how you handle tattling ?

12- Naturally, the self-righteous pigs went tattling to every reporter they could find.

13- The next time my daughter went to his house she was punished for tattling .

14- Basically I use the rule that there is a difference between telling and tattling .

15- Before tattling may begin, the hand must be obviously recognized by The Dictator.

16- I’m not convinced that squashing tattling completely is the right thing to do.

17- tattling about him over the teacups.

18- I do, however have a theory about tattling especially at the second grade level.

19- This could lead to interesting teacher association cases if members are ” tattling ” on other members.

20- I think tattling is a developmental necessity and it seems to get its worst in second grade.

21- Gordon explains that behaviors like tattling are coping mechanisms used by children when adults try to control them.

22- The ” tattling of many tongues” in Virginia’s Valentine poem was a reference to actual incidents.

23- It would seem that some lingo for all of this tattling would help matters a great deal.

24- After a while, the tattler feels a bit ridculous talking to a stuffed bear and stops tattling .

25- Cal is the typical younger sibling, sometimes understanding, but most of the time tattling on Lovey and Jerry.

26- It has cut the tattling down to only the important things like: someone is sick or someone could get hurt.

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