Use “tattles” in a sentence | “tattles” example sentences
1- In another episode Kevin tattles on Paul after Paul loses his virginity.
2- Mayune often plays practical jokes to demean Himeno and tattles on her to her mother.
3- For older children who can write, maybe you could address these tattles the first few minutes of recess time.
4- When your class is getting ready to go out for recess, you set everyone down and pull out the tattles .
5- She tattles to Brooke’s manager, getting her fired, and reports her to her aunt who’s on the college board, getting her scholarship revoked and getting her kicked out of school housing.
6- Ms. Chicarelli: She is one of Kick’s next door neighbors who always tattles on Kick and the other kids on the cul-de-sac for causing any kind of disruption.
7- He and Taylor DuBois pretend to be dating in order to make Molly and T.J. jealous, but when that fails, Rafe tattles to Alexis after seeing T.J. and Molly getting a room at the Metro Court Hotel.
8- After Darcy’s friend (who Darcy ditched to be with Peter) catches her and Peter in the park, she tattles to Peter’s mom.
9- When Mr. Krupp finds them in the lunchroom, Melvin almost immediately tattles on George and Harold, informing Mr. Krupp that although George and Harold did not perform the prank, they taught the fourth graders the prank.
10- He constantly tattles on his sisters, getting twisted pleasure out of it, as per his remark when he had stirred the pot to his liking: “This is just like my birthday!
11- A Tweeting Vending Machine Shames You Into Not Eating Crap Just when you thought your guilty pleasure was between you and a machine, this snack dispenser tattles to your coworkers when you buy a candy bar.
12- ” Usually he waits until his sisters already commit an infraction, then he tattles to see his father explode.
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