Use “tattle” in a sentence | “tattle” example sentences
1- Well, go and tattle and see if I care, replied Scarlett.
2- I am not afraid I am afraid spend courage tattle and prate.
3- She had only the power to tattle on us, and really not even that.
4- Well? Or are you going to tattle and get me in trouble again?
5- When they come tattle I ask them if it’s a medical emergency.
6- The chamber also said companies fear retribution from regulators they tattle on.
7- When kids tattle , they carry the stuffed tail with them for a portion of the day.
8- I think tattling definitely helps children develop this sense.
9- Not much time was spent on tattling .
10- The reasons children tattle would appear to be very basic.
11- Also, Chevy was a tattle tail.
12- We are not trained to ” tattle on each other”.
13- It’s tattling to tell an adult about a bully.
14- I have a tattle box with a note pad beside it.
15- The tattling must begin by formally addressing the Dictator.
16- The player then may tattle , minding the restrictions on speech.
17- Some maintain that tattling is appropriate only when someone is being hurt physically.
18- Her son who will tattle on Mama at the slightest provocation ?
19- It’s not tattling if someone kicked them in the bathroom!
20- What harm does tattling cause us?
21- The lame man didn’t even know a name to tattle on.
22- In another episode Kevin tattles on Paul after Paul loses his virginity.
23- Could you give me some feedback on how you handle tattling ?
24- Now every night before I leave the room I get the tattle messages.
25- It’s on par with the tittle tattle of celebrity gossip mags.
26- Indeed, some tattle of Cambridge life would have been a pleasurable relief.
27- Naturally, the self-righteous pigs went tattling to every reporter they could find.
28- The next time my daughter went to his house she was punished for tattling .
29- Basically I use the rule that there is a difference between telling and tattling .
30- Before tattling may begin, the hand must be obviously recognized by The Dictator.
31- I’m not convinced that squashing tattling completely is the right thing to do.
32- I also have several students who feel the need to tattle no matter what.
33- Mary : How’d you get the rabbit before that, tattle tail?
34- No one has been physically harmed, so she obviously should not tattle , right?
35- tattling about him over the teacups.
36- You are making up your own views from whatever tittle tattle you ‘ve picked up!
37- I do, however have a theory about tattling especially at the second grade level.
38- Students were directed to the tattle box when they tried to tattle to the teacher.
39- Students were directed to the tattle box when they tried to tattle to the teacher.
40- This could lead to interesting teacher association cases if members are ” tattling ” on other members.
41- He found fault with me, and would always tattle on me to the boss.
42- Then to have tattled amiably about matters for which nobody cared would have been merely idiotic.
43- Mayune often plays practical jokes to demean Himeno and tattles on her to her mother.
44- He can also be very firm when Junie B. and May tattle on each other.
45- There will always be students who tattle more than others, just be patient with them.
46- I think tattling is a developmental necessity and it seems to get its worst in second grade.
47- Gordon explains that behaviors like tattling are coping mechanisms used by children when adults try to control them.
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