tasteless in a sentence

Use “tasteless” in a sentence | “tasteless” example sentences

1- We had mounds of tasteless rice.

2- The meat was tasteless and chewy.

3- Foreign rice is hard and tasteless, and doesn’t appeal to the Japanese palate.

4- The soup was rather tasteless.

5- The fish was mushy and tasteless.

6- The salad was limp and tasteless.

7- Candy bars and cigare hottest are not sold boxy, tasteless kiosks.

8- Candy bars and cigarettes are sold from boxy, tasteless kiosks.

9- Cheap food need not be tasteless or boring.

10- Have paraded the tasteless christmas jumper though.

11- He makes tasteless remarks about his co-workers.

12- It is the most tasteless politicking on a very serious subject.

13- Really, George was a tasteless oaf at times.

14- The old city is increasingly disfigured by tasteless new buildings.

15- The film is tasteless, vulgar and even badly shot.

16- I wouldn’t call it art. It’s just stupid and tasteless.

17- If you eat too much,the food becomes tasteless.

18- That oatmeal is so bland that it is tasteless.

19- The berries are red now, but they are mealy and tasteless.

20- The vegetables were watery and tasteless.

21- Why is airplane food always so tasteless?

22- The TV station was bombarded with complaints against a tasteless TV programme.

23- His suite is lined with tasteless burgundy leather panelling – even on the doors.

24- After the abstraction of the juice from the orange, only a tasteless pulp is left.

25- The vending machine in the office dispenses really tasteless coffee.

26- It was an ugly room with tasteless decorations and shabby furniture.

27- Radon is a colourless, odourless and tasteless gas found in group O of the Periodic Table.

28- tasteless $ 30 steak was another strike.

29- The food was tasteless and barely edible.

30- It is tasteless to prolong life artificially.

31- The fruit is edible but mostly tasteless .

32- In shark fin soup, the fins themselves are virtually tasteless .

33- Not too tasteless but still a vacation spot.

34- Big agribusiness growing tasteless carbon copy products for mass consumption overseas?

35- tasteless apart from the overwhelming sugar flavour.

36- Sure , its front page is tasteless .

37- Silver nitrate is tasteless and works reliably in two hours.

38- His vigour, nowadays, contains something savage and tasteless .

39- Even when individual editors make stupid and tasteless decisions.

40- Some critics saw the mention of merchandise as tasteless .

41- Vikings have never accomplished that hapless and tasteless stat.

42- My first initial bite was that it was tasteless .

43- Food may seem tasteless , work or studies meaningless.

44- My hamburger was dry, tasteless , and gross.

45- The ahi tuna salad and burger had tasteless tuna .

46- The rice was tasteless , but not horrible.

47- They are utterly tasteless and worthless to him.

48- People think they are boring and tasteless .

49- tasteless , he tried to convince himself.

50- The effect is almost invariably puerile and tasteless .

51- Bacon was rubbery and sausage was very greasy and tasteless .

52- Thallium salts are highly soluble and most are nearly tasteless .

53- Regardless, the term is tasteless and should be dropped.

54- As crimes go, some are more tasteless than others.

55- Some of them are a bit tasteless I find.

56- I pushed it to a tasteless extreme, naturally.

57- The food was tasteless and the service was desultory.

58- It was a little (a lot) tasteless .

59- The tasteless frying oil is obtained from tea seeds and other plants.

60- It’s easy to take and completely tasteless .

61- The client said it was disgracefully tasteless .

62- Have paraded the tasteless christmas jumper though.

63- No fat = tasteless dry cardboard-like meat!

64- I said…those mangosteen were tasteless !

65- The water is tasteless and odourless as advertised.

66- The whole film is rather tasteless , despite its “amazing” effects.

67- Some people think of eating healthy as being boring and tasteless .

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