Use “tartar“ in a sentence | “tartar“ example sentences
1- The tartar has to be removed.
2- Please remove the tartar from my teeth.
3- I think I have a lot of tartar.
4- The tuna tartar is worth the trip alone .
5- It is a fallacy that dry commercial food will prevent tartar .
6- They help to remove constructed up tartar that has accrued.
7- It also contributes to tartar buildup and gum disease.
8- Let’s start with the steak tartar .
9- Why should I care about the tartars ?
10- Add the cream of tartar and salt.
11- Individuals vary greatly in their susceptibility to plaque and tartar .
12- Teeth had some tartar but not an emergency.
13- Cream of tartar should be added once the whites are foamy.
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