Use “tart it up“ in a sentence | “tart it up“ example sentences
1- Just, just tart it up really.
2- Maybe I should revisit the code and tart it up a bit!
3- They tart it up with terms like “freedom” and “independence” but many are lonely, bitter and increasingly desperate.
4- In the 30 August edition of Scribes, a reply stated that “We’ve just copied the old level from the previous games and tried to tart it up a bit with some lens flares and lots of blowing grass, hopefully you won’t notice.
5- His early ‘rough and ready’ production style earned him the nickname “Basher”, inspired by his supposed instructions to bands to ‘bash it out–we’ll tart it up later’.
6- Yes, those smart boys at MS figured that they could buy a web browser, tart it up a bit, and give it away.
7- I made it in Lion Jiffy and a G hook as a chemo cap for my sis in law in Denver and tarted it up with some crochet flowers. it was lovely,soft, warm and MUCH more attractive then the “skully” patterns I ran across.
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