tapir in a sentence

How to use tapir in a sentence

1- It is a small six-legged herbivore called a HEXAPEDE, about the size of a tapir.

2- There were fresh tapir tracks here too.

3- The mountain tapir weighs about 225 kg (500 lb).

4- All newly born tapirs are covered with stripes and spots as camouflage.

5- Why did it HAVE to be tapir skin?

6- Lots of tapir signs but no fresh scent.

7- It features tigers, pythons, tapirs and crocodiles.

8- Do you know what a baby tapir looks like ?

9- Russell tentatively compared it to the capybaras and tapirs .

10- A tapir house and Capybara house were also built.

11- The first true tapirs appeared in the Oligocene.

12- This means that horses share a common ancestry with tapirs and rhinoceroses.

13- The mountain tapir is the only non-tropical species of tapir extant.

14- The mountain tapir is the only non-tropical species of tapir extant.

15- In many areas, tapirs , howler monkeys and parrots are already gone.

16- tapirs occur in South America as well as Asia.

17- I found an Ice Age tapir tooth walking the spoil piles , too.

18- It is these patches that are the focus of bear and tapir searching.

19- The tracker had spotted a tapir .

20- Explore the jungle in the tapir Lodge Cuyabeno.

21- I do agree that finding said tapirs or specific skins was a PITA.

22- This small hornless ancestor resembled a tapir or small horse more than a rhino.

23- tapirs it seemed were going to be harder to see than the bears.

24- The Malay tapir’s foreparts and limbs are usually black and the body white.

25- In spite of it’s local name, the tapir is not a cow.

26- His English name is Torrential tapir .

27- tapirs frequent wet tropical forests.

28- During my day I saw wild monkeys, tropical birds, snakes and a tapir .

29- Wildlife includes gibbons, elephants, tapirs , pigs, deer and the occasional tiger.

30- While by no means probable, it is possible to see tapir at Salsipuedes.

31- The tapir is a vegetarian.

32- This ecological niche cannot be filled by the next largest herbivore, the tapir .

33- The elephant house also used to house African elephants, rhinos, hippos and tapirs .

34- Smaller mammals are also numerous, ranging from gibbons and monkeys to flying foxes and tapirs .

35- In the wild, Sumatran tigers prey on wild boar, Malayan tapirs and deer.

36- Among the mammals were relatives of camels and tapirs as well as carnivores and insectivores.

37- One by one, governments gave up sovereignty for stability and acceded to the tapir .

38- Animals occupying the state during this period included camels, tapirs , monkeys, tigers and rhinos.

39- The Brazilian tapir is the largest animal to be found over much of its forested wetland habitat.

40- The Biosphere boasts 114 documented mammals including howler monkeys (above right), jaguar and tapir .

41- In Sumatra, prey include sambar deer, muntjac, wild boar, and Malayan tapir .

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