taped in a sentence

How to use taped in a sentence

1- Their stories were taped and then transcribed verbatim.

2- All the papers were taped up and kept in the safe.

3- HybridAkagi sprained an ankle during practice so before the game he taped it up until it was stiff as a board.

4- There’s also the danger of unexploded bombs, so they reported it to the police and the area was taped off to keep people out.

5- He taped a note to the door.

6- She taped a note to the door.

7- She has just taped an interview.

8- His action was taped by a college technician for Faldo to replay.

9- I taped the base of the feather onto the velvet.

10- She found the key taped to the underneath of the table, as always.

11- She had taped a note to the fridge door.

12- Someone had taped a message on the door.

13- That’s a nasty cut-come on, we’ll get it all taped up.

14- The doctor taped up the cut in his hand.

15- The doctors have taped his swollen ankle up.

16- The flyer about the rally is taped to the wall behind the counter.

17- The girl has taped up the presents.

18- The hotel manager scotch taped a note to the guest’s door.

19- The scraped escapee taped the grapes into various shapes.

20- The wires are taped firmly together.

21- Their stories were taped and transcribed verbatim.

22- There were two pictures taped to the side of the fridge.

23- Unless you taped it on your videocassette recorder.

24- Would you mind if I taped this conversation?

25- He can’t fool me-I’ve got him taped.

26- You can’t fool Liz – she’s got you taped.

27- This call has been taped, for the record.

28- A Chechen Mujahedeen Terrorist video taped the gruesome execution of 6 Russian soldiers.

29- Her mouth is stuffed and taped completely shut.

30- Commercial systems are available that broadcast taped distress calls.

31- MH program is already taped 2 weeks before it is aired.

32- The prosecutors entered into evidence secretly taped video surveillance recordings.

33- He secretly taped meetings he had attended.

34- Modern delay removal tape prevents damaging the taped surface.

35- The taped format did not last long.

36- The housemates are taped around the clock.

37- Occasionally episodes are taped with special audience restrictions.

38- Their performance was taped for later broadcast.

39- This was an illegally taped private conversation.

40- The local newspaper reporter taped the proceedings.

41- Others had electronic voice boxes taped to their throats.

42- This is not simply a taped seminar lecture.

43- The tube is then taped in place.

44- They also supply taped manuals and instruction courses.

45- Use taped music for a stretch break.

46- Their stories were taped and then transcribed verbatim.

47- He taped black garbage bags over his bedroom windows.

48- One such use is for taped church programs.

49- The episode was taped two days before the attacks.

50- The footage was taped and later aired on national television.

51- CBS aired the taped interview later that week.

52- He legs are already taped to the table legs.

53- I got thugs again and taped them.

54- Jones died last, his final words taped .

55- His office said the interview was taped Monday.

56- This production was taped for PBS broadcast.

57- You should have ta taped Mark yesterday.

58- They didn’t realise they were being taped obviously.

59- A few things I taped off the radio.

60- Almost all of those speeches were filmed or taped .

61- He separated the wires and taped them.

62- The presentations were recorded and taped for radio and broadcasting purposes.

63- These shorter chains can then be taped together.

64- Perhaps the 1971 taped interview with Craig gives more information.

65- Then we taped all the bottles together.

66- The thin stuff needs to be taped only.

67- I wish someone could have video taped his performances.

68- But not taped and does not require tape.

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