Tantalus in a sentence

31- The name comes from Greek mythology: “Niobe”, daughter of ” Tantalus “.

32- In Greek mythology, Tantalus served the Olympian gods the flesh of his son, Pelops.

33- The highest peak of the Tantalus Range at 2603 metres (8540 ft.) is Mt.

34- Toxin later allied himself with Tantalus against the Underground in hopes that he could rebuild his armor.

35- In “”, the Tantalus field was used on several occasions and was thought to be a disintegrator.

36- Id – The son of Tantalus and brother of Blackwulf (Pelops and Lucien).

37- Blackwulf (Pelops) – The son of Tantalus and leader of the Underground Legion.

38- Take a look at the careers of Tantalus , Pelops, Atreus, and Agamemnon.

39- Wishing to protect Garnet from Brahne’s newfound aggression, he had ordered Tantalus to kidnap her.

40- Blackwulf (Lucian) – The brother and successor of Pelops and the son of Tantalus .

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