tank up in a sentence

30- Israel is surrounded by enemies and is getting ready for it… saw the burnt out tanks up in Golan too.

31- For tanks up to four foot in length these can be made as one item, larger tanks may need two.

32- They said that Sea Apple is very hard to feed and will make up the whole tank up if she die.

33- You have no Heal-over-Time spells and no AoE heals, but you can keep a tank up through tremendous spike damage.

34- Healers need to use all their defensive cooldowns to keep the tanks up while also healing the rest of the raid.

35- In fact please spell out everything you would use (ON A BUDGET) to get my tank up and running.

36- The tank is currently 60 days old.Sounds pretty good.> I set the tank up and let it cycle.

37- I also brought the temperature of the tank up to 76F to try and speed up the life cycle of the parasite.

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