Tammany Hall in a sentence

Tammany Hall in a sentence

1- Tammany Hall dominated local politics for decades.

2- This space became commonly known as ” Tammany Hall “.

3- Hearst had combined with Tammany Hall in electing the local administration.

4- By the mid-1960s Tammany Hall ceased to exist.

5- The Sachems were expelled and Tammany Hall continued to oppose Clinton.

6- This caused suspicion that a payment to Tammany Hall politicians had secured his appointment.

7- Support for Tammany Hall regrew after they supported the War of 1812.

8- He was the scourge of Boss Tweed and the Tammany Hall political machine.

9- He had political ambitions, and knew how to make friends at Tammany Hall .

10- Under DeSapio’s leadership, the nationality of Tammany Hall’s leaders diversified.

11- Rothstein was the middleman between the political world of Tammany Hall and the underworld.

12- The Tammany Hall Sachems agreed to meet with him on February 20, 1806.

13- The Tweed Ring and Tammany Hall were not necessarily two sides of the same coin.

14- Eckford’s political activities led him to become part of the leadership of Tammany Hall .

15- By the 1940s they were inside the Democratic Party, and helped overthrow Tammany Hall .

16- He became a loyal and devoted member of the Tweed Ring, based in Tammany Hall .

17- In 1815, Tammany Hall grand sachem John Ferguson defeated Dewitt Clinton and was elected mayor.

18- Local politics became dominated by Tammany Hall , a political machine supported by Irish and German immigrants.

19- Simon Steingut obtained a position as a Tammany Hall captain and as a result an auctioneer.

20- Like the Tammany Hall contribution, this was only one of several sums subscribed to the exiles.

21- In exchange for all these benefits, immigrants assured Tammany Hall they would vote for their candidates.

22- Tepper reminds me of George Washington Plunkitt of Tammany Hall , who also had cojones.

23- It was yet another means by which Tammany Hall was part of the political fabric of the city.

24- It was during his early unofficial jobs with Tammany Hall that he gained notoriety as an excellent speaker.

25- Several Tammany Hall officials affiliated with Hines and Luciano were also successfully prosecuted by Dewey as well.

26- Nast’s drawings were instrumental in the downfall of Boss Tweed, the powerful Tammany Hall leader.

27- In 1817, however, Clinton became Governor of New York and Tammany Hall was again weakened.

28- Although Tammany Hall bitterly opposed his nomination, the machine represented a minority of the New York delegation.

29- He pursued Tammany Hall political leaders known for their ties to gangsters, such as James Joseph Hines.

30- New York City workers under the Tammany Hall system were paid excessive rates on the burden of tax payers.

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