Tamil Tamils in a sentence

31- They made significant contributions to Tamil literature.

32- Tamil Nadu already had 416 such vans traversing the state .

33- Stop propagating hate through Diaspora Tamil organisations.

34- Satellite television provider Astro provides several Tamil satellite television channels.

35- The vocabulary varies across Tamil Muslim settlements.

36- The recitation in Tamil has now ceased completely.

37- Tamils are still in grief after the war.

38- They are against reconciliation with the Tamils .

39- The Tamils comprise around 25% of the population.

40- These actions have caused much resentment among the Tamils .

41- Tamils like their coffee filtered, never instant.

42- The chart of Tamil phonemes presents a very different sound system.

43- Around 850 screens were allotted for the Tamil version alone.

44- The number of Tamil schools had also increased tremendously.

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