tamer in a sentence

31- At one point is referred to as “the world’s greatest maid guy tamer .

32- Though tamer than it sounds, it’s no less complex – or addictive.

33- In the past , the Sierra Club has stuck to tamer forms of advocacy.

34- Tried mage,mystic,warrior,sampire, tamer ,ninja.

35- Palestinian hip hop supposedly started in 1998 with tamer Nafar’s group DAM.

36- Ghannouchi is the animal tamer who keeps lions and zebras together in one cage .

37- Ángel Cristo, 65, Spanish animal tamer and circus promoter, cardiac arrest.

38- Muscle classes: The two muscle classes are Seal Clubber and Turtle tamer .

39- Palestinian hip hop reportedly started in 1998 with tamer Nafar’s group DAM.

40- Georges tamer has spent his career studying philosophy and Arabic and Islamic literature and culture.

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