talus in a sentence

31- Take the path of least resistance up this endless talus and heather slope.

32- Scree is distinguished from talus by its smaller size and looser configuration.

33- Okay, so you’ve decided you want to build a talus .

34- The trail climbs steeply up the forested hillside breaking out into a talus field.

35- Tali Lennox shows she can have fun and do it in style .

36- Tali went to Second World War .

37- Clubfoot primarily affects three bones: the calcaneus, talus and navicular.

38- Kemp suffered an articular talar injury requiring microfracture surgery to his talus bone.

39- It’s true that the creation of a talus represents a longterm investment.

40- He should then decompact the exposed soil in the base of the talus .

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