Talmudic in a sentence

31- Instead they used it as a guide to Talmudic interpretation and methodology.

32- A Talmudic Academy had been established where the Halakhic Rabbis taught.

33- A concept believed by many Talmudic scholars regarding their own leaders in Talmudic times.

34- A concept believed by many Talmudic scholars regarding their own leaders in Talmudic times.

35- Talmudic Judaism records its view of the proper method for teaching Kabbalah wisdom.

36- Jews for Jesus is again taking these Talmudic texts completely out of context.

37- A characteristic of the Talmudic authorities of that city was their liberality.

38- There are several Talmudic passages that are said to be referring to Jesus.

39- The foundation of Talmudic schools in Egypt is usually placed at this period.

40- His parents spoke little English, and his father was a Talmudic scholar.

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