tall tale in a sentence

31- What tall tale was this?

32- Simply relax by the fire while sharing your fishing memories (or tall tales ).

33- Its language was juicy and rich , in the manner of many a tall tale .

34- A lot of rumors , hearsay, myths, legends, tall tales and lies.

35- Don Ransom said he didn’t know a young man could tell such tall tales .

36- Do not let someone’s tall tales and shoddy math calculations play games with your mind.

37- We always make time for tall tales (or flawed memories) of our modeling experiences.

38- He said he was a very bad waiter, but became a great teller of tall tales .

39- The media will engage in an orgy of environmental tall tales and the usual end-of-the-world predictions.

40- He enjoys the companionship of other children, plays cooperatively, and tells ” tall tales “.

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