talkative in a sentence

31- There were points in my life when I was more talkative .

32- She is a bit strange, talkative and loves to gossip.

33- He is talkative and playful and delights in doing new activities.

34- The tendency is also to attract talkative co-workers and subordinates.

35- He was a pretty talkative fellow, he might have.

36- The beer made Noah talkative and he began to boast.

37- And last: Eleanor is also very talkative these days.

38- Ramakrishna’s primary biographers, describe him as talkative .

39- They love human attention, are talkative and are great with children.

40- Like all Americans, he was very talkative .

41- Morris is quite talkative , charming and flirtatious.

42- Dobbie is very friendly and talkative – a real character.

43- I felt stimulated – mentally alert, talkative and sociable.

44- The Portuguese was not in his often talkative mood, though.

45- The other is talkative , engaging, and bursting with confidence.

46- He was really talkative for a new born to be honest.

47- The talkative customer would like to stand and chat all afternoon!

48- He is the talkative one: leader of the pack.

49- Not only that but the patrons were friendly and talkative .

50- They’re as talkative as two sacks of cement.

51- In later seasons of the series she becomes more talkative and independent.

52- Stramonium – for intense, talkative types.

53- He is talkative , stubborn and grouchy.

54- He is talkative , playful and boastful.

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