talkative in a sentence

talkative in a sentence

1- The more excited he got, the less talkative he became.

2- He is as talkative as ever.

3- We should be more talkative.

4- He is talkative when he has a few drinks under his belt.

5- He was accompanied by an ebullient, talkative blonde.

6- He’s a talkative guy, and I struck up a conversation with him.

7- I felt stimulated – mentally alert, talkative and sociable.

8- To make a long story short, he is a very talkative person.

9- Never talkative, he was even more taciturn now.

10- The inebriated man became very talkative.

11- They were opionative, peevish, covetous, porase, vain, talkative.

12- Sue is the extrovert in the family; opinionated, talkative and passionate about politics.

13- He suddenly became very talkative, his face slightly flushed, his eyes much brighter.

14- At the moment, Peter is lucid and quite talkative, but his condition is becoming worse.

15- He is very talkative and likes helping others.

16- He seemed pleased although not very talkative .

17- She became more physically active, more talkative , more social.

18- Utah fans are a nice bunch and very talkative .

19- She is very talkative when relaxed and loves attention.

20- D.C. officials said he is recovering and talkative .

21- She was no longer talkative , poor dear.

22- Everyone is always cheerful and talkative and very open and accommodating.

23- Individuals become very talkative under the influence of the plant.

24- No longer smiling or talkative , he was silent.

25- He was very friendly with her and very talkative .

26- But the talkative tight end didn’t stop there.

27- These cats are the most active and talkative .

28- He is also said to be very talkative .

29- Only one of the cats was very talkative .

30- More outgoing, curious, and talkative .

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