Take That in a sentence

How to use the word Take That in a sentence

Take That back, right now!It’s scary how little consideration she gives to being a woman.

Take That grin off your face!

Take That paddy field, well stocked with fish, rice and ducks.

Take That smug look off your face before I slap you!

Take That spectacular parade. What message was it meant to convey to an awestruck world?

Many farmers are taking That message seriously.

The opposition march had never taken That route.

I took That course almost 50 years ago .

Taking That calculated risk has paid off .

It never Takes That long during normal daytime photos.

I never thought of taking That angle before.

They took That information and did more damage.

Not taking That kind of dam fool risk.

I intuitively took That leap of faith.

His family has taken That to heart.

Juvenile court judges Take That oath very seriously.

The risk calculation Takes That allowance into account.

Maybe more schools should Take That approach.

Other cities have since taken That title.

You must still be taking That very seriously?

It was just very difficult circumstances taking That shot .

You never took That form to school.

Burrows said the commissioners took That money away.

Scott isn’t taking That lying down.

We should’ve taken That last step.

Nobody took That suggestion very seriously, though.

Take That careless jerk ‘s guns away!

But I never took That silly behaviour seriously .

But care is taken That the whole tune shall be played.

We are happy That we took That extra trip.

I took That to be answer enough.

Take That unruly woman from the court.

They are trying to Take That freedom away.

Take That away and what is left?

Those cops can’t Take That much more.

Whoever took That picture must be so lucky.

Sometimes I was very stressed and regretted taking That class.

Surely no one ever took That phrase literally.

And we must Take That quite seriously.

I’m not taking That lying down.

Many kings took That oath and thousands of common men.

Good luck finding someone to Take That contract.

We’re taking That down to zero.

No, took That out years ago.

The selfish reason for taking That ash tree was for heat.

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