take delight in a sentence

How to use the word take delight in a sentence

You take delight in my pains.

You take delight in vexing me.

Anyone with eyes can take delight in a face or a flower.

But do I take delight in pushing you down, making you worse?

Does she take delight in swimming in a river?

He and his brother would take delight in cutting out oat cakes.

He seems to take delight in petty cruelty.

I fully agree to the arrangement and take delight in it .

I take delight in doing things to be special for her.

Our children take delight in reading picture – books.

People still take delight in talking about the legendary story.

Some people take delight in harming others.

You take delight in my pains.

You take delight in vexing me.

Anyone with eyes can take delight in a face or a flower.

But do I take delight in pushing you down, making you worse?

Does she take delight in swimming in a river?

He and his brother would take delight in cutting out oat cakes.

He seems to take delight in petty cruelty.

I fully agree to the arrangement and take delight in it .

I take delight in doing things to be special for her.

Our children take delight in reading picture – books.

People still take delight in talking about the legendary story.

Some people take delight in harming others.

You fantasise and take delight in things that are not your own.

Congressional wives take delight in pointing out that kind of error to their husbands.

I take delight in recommending Miss Li Yan to the Education Department of your university.

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