take cover in a sentence

How to use the word take cover in a sentence

Come on, we can take cover in that barn over there!

I didn’t so much take cover in the underbrush, I collided with it.

I had to run under some pines to take cover; this did no good.

If you are in a crowded area, take cover where are.

It rained so hard we had to take cover in a shop doorway.

There was nowhere we could take cover from the storm.

To take cover or lie in or as if in a kennel.

You better run, you better take cover.

I had to run under some pines to take cover; this did no good.

The rain came down so suddenly that they had to take cover in an abandoned barn.

Holliman decided that they had to take cover, so they scuttled into a patch of scrub.

The Nazg? l still flies overhead and the soldiers are still trying to take cover.

I took cover behind a parked taxi.

The evidence taken covered a wide scope.

Take cover and start knocking them down.

Other officers and soldiers took cover and returned fire.

The troops took cover as best they could.

This can be mitigated by taking cover where available.

They didn’t take cover or dodge.

The police took cover , returning fire as they retreated.

Walker took cover behind a small wall that bordered the church.

The other two took cover behind their vehicle.

A shootout ensues, and Mulder takes cover .

The agency also warns against taking cover under the beach picnic shelters.

The sentry was hit and took cover inside the house.

In several incidents, Palestinians took cover behind ambulances while throwing rocks.

Take cover before reloading weapons in the shooter game.

All citizens knew that they had to take cover .

Armed police take cover behind escalators as smoke fills the air.

Trenchard and his men took cover and gave fight.

The trio takes cover in a blood-splattered shower room.

Kill them fast, before they can take cover .

Move up to where Woods takes cover at a corner.

Shoot him back , take cover , ignore?

Go out of the bunker and take cover .

The group take cover as the shuttle lands in the playground.

Oh $#(% take cover tornadoes on the prowl.

Michael accidentally fires off his pistol, causing everyone to take cover .

He says the best place to take cover is inside a car.

Move forward, take cover , and kill anyone you see.

He immediately placed devastating fire on the enemy while his platoon took cover .

Look under bushes and fallen leaves where other babies may have taken cover .

Add some stereo Unison and take cover !

Take cover when you can to check the way ahead.

Take cover MM, fire and brimstone heading for the palace.

She takes cover in the FBI safe-house across the street.

It is useless to take cover from the bursting shells and bombs.

Is he trying to alert the big crooks to take cover ?

Jigsaw and CJ from across the street take cover .

Club producer take cover – Tribal Elements Vol. 2 has arrived!

Soldiers disembarked their vehicles and took cover in nearby farms and orchards.

Take cover on the right so they don’t notice you.

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