sympathizes in a sentence

Use ‘sympathizes’ in a sentence | ‘sympathizes’ example sentences

1- This letter falsely claims Washington himself sympathizes with the rebellious officers.

2- A Canadian that sympathizes with public unions?

3- Part of the security forces apparently sympathizes with these Jihad Troops.

4- If he sympathizes , he will feel better for the gift.

5- Appeals to Hillel, who sympathizes with him.

6- Unlike Jack, Sawyer sympathizes with Kate’s actions.

7- Dana sympathizes with Karen and states that Karen is the rightful mother.

8- Mai sympathizes with Kozue and allows her to date Tsutomu.

9- May sympathizes goat and let her go on a date with Tsutomu.

10- Dru sympathizes with Devon because as she was one a teenage runaway.

11- Akash sympathizes and executes a plan.

12- The Warden sympathizes with her and agrees to both terms, for now.

13- Twenty per cent annual growth Notwithstanding his criticisms, Bahr sympathizes with the growers.

14- However Phoebe sympathizes with it because she can relate to being an outcast.

15- Thus, he naturally detests Mark and anyone else who sympathizes with the immigrants.

16- Their one-time colleague Officer Michael Santangelo spots them and sympathizes with Prez.

17- This serves as a lesson that G-D sympathizes with a person’s feelings and dignity.

18- Dartmouth Director of Public Works David Hickox said he sympathizes with his plow drivers .

19- Every voter in the land, also, sympathizes with one or the other.

20- Kunika sympathizes with Sunaina but also asks her not to disclose anything to anyone.

21- One easily sympathizes with the Israeli government’s desire to take drastic action to counter terrorism.

22- He sympathizes with the Countess and Boerth, and loses trust with the Nazis.

23- She gives them an hour head start because she sympathizes with Lumen, the surviving victim.

24- First, your audience sympathizes with you . They’ve probably been in your shoes before.

25- More than most, he understands and sympathizes with America’s Marxist and Islamic enemies.

26- He sympathizes with all the misery and the misery of others, which is to exist.

27- Marissa sympathizes and forgives him.

28- Dawn sympathizes with the Key’s current mental trauma but wonders if she’s still being manipulated.

29- Susan sympathizes and helps Tess collect her stuff, only to find Brendan has changed the locks.

30- Pointing out that no one morns the dead orcs, or sympathizes with their families.

31- This is something Kagura sympathizes with and is a key factor why she wants to help Shizuru.

32- He sympathizes with the kids ambition to “know things” and find them out through practical experimenting.

33- Schmenner’s analogy is not a good one, even if one sympathizes with his sentiment.

34- He has led numerous legal challenges to plant patenting, and he certainly sympathizes with OSSI’s intentions.

35- He who had a mother that struggled with poverty and privation sympathizes with every mother in her labors.

36- He tells us here that the faithful Christian disciple blesses and refrains from cursing and sympathizes with others.

37- He understands their motives, which are less ideological than his, and he sympathizes with their lot.

38- When a separatist sees his brother sin, he sympathizes with him such that he suffers with him.

39- Out of your Chevy Run after alcohol stow, sympathizes using the stow and it is distribution obstacles.

40- Find a doctor who believes you and sympathizes with you and does their best to help this condition. Yuichiro sympathizes with Mitsuko, going as far as to take a bullet meant for her.

41- Woodring says he sympathizes with Manhog: “He is very much at a disadvantage because of his looks and his weak character.

42- Dumier claims that he doubts the Illuminati would continue to assist Silhouette were MJ-12 not a threat, but the younger DuClare sympathizes more with Silhouette.

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