swipes in a sentence

Use ‘swipes’ in a sentence | ‘swipes’ example sentences

1- The paint should be faintly visible after a few swipes .

2- The minute you say anything somebody swipes the idea.

3- Default all swipes go to page 100 .

4- And simple full-hand swipes wipe finished items away .

5- Brand later faced criticism for his swipes at the trio.

6- A few swipes get Tristan all hot and bothered.

7- Freddy takes Billy’s coat and swipes his wallet.

8- And not being fearful of dog swipes ………just love it.

9- Now you can get revenge when someone swipes your ice.

10- We swipe up while android swipes down ….. it’s totally different.

11- All the other swipes on the keyboard have functions .

12- It uses simple iOS gestures like swipes and pinches for mixing .

13- Most interactions are handled with simple swipes , taps or touchscreen button presses.

14- TouchBistro handles it with a few simple swipes and taps.

15- Texting ( special enhanced onscreen keyboard + swipes ) is an alternative.

16- Taps produce quick attacks , while swipes offer slower but more powerful blows.

17- Batgirl swipes a piece of paper from Mary.

18- But his constant swipes and personal attacks on Timaeus are simply intolerable .

19- Southee can not help himself and swipes at it.

20- He departed the area with only a few swipes of his tail.

21- Instead, the customer simply swipes a card and the transaction is completed.

22- Meal Plans consist of Meal swipes and Food Dollars.

23- If Jean Valjean swipes a loaf of bread, I cheer.

24- With two razor-sharp swipes , the mustache is cut away.

25- swipes her hair behind her ears.

26- He swipes at two chimps with a spade killing them both.

27- The guard swipes it over her fono , then frowns.

28- And then the little swipes that we get on our mobile devices .

29- First a rhino as he swipes .

30- Mailbox allowed me to quickly bring that number down to zero using simple swipes .

31- As with the 900, the pad is responsive to multi-touch finger swipes .

32- MODOK gets away with Red Skull who swipes Iron Man’s armor.

33- The provider swipes the card and the bill is submitted to Medicare for processing .

34- The screen also can be very hit-or-miss when it comes to registering swipes .

35- In cafeterias he swipes the little packets of salt and pepper to take home .

36- All unused block meal swipes and dining credits are forfeited at the end of each semester.

37- Nothing comes out of the printer until the student or staff member swipes their card .

38- Controls are simply directional swipes .

39- To strafe, the player swipes left or right on the screen using two fingers.

40- The two managers have “exchanged some of football’s best and bitterest verbal swipes . Samsung Pay can mimic the old-school, magnetic signals produced by card swipes.

41- The company says Bud Light’s ads will show up after about “four or five” swipes.

42- Moe sees this, swipes the pie, and pushes Curly out of the way.

43- Tom pulls up a ladder and swipes the mouse, but meets the elephant’s anger, who uses her trunk as a hammerhead.

44- Zira swipes at Kiara, and, unable to pull herself up or hold on any longer, slips and falls into the river below, where she drowns.

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