suzerain in a sentence

Use ‘suzerain’ in a sentence | ‘suzerain’ example sentences

1- For centuries China had claimed suzerain authority over numerous adjacent areas.

2- Its prince ceased to owe obligations to any suzerain .

3- The great suzerain power of East Asia began sealing its borders.

4- With Josiah’s death Egypt became suzerain over Judah.

5- These families held their fief in vassalage from a suzerain .

6- The last section of these treaties contains the blessings and curses of the suzerain .

7- The Western powers rejected the concept and one by one seized the suzerain areas.

8- At the time, relations between the Serbs and their Ottoman suzerains were tense.

9- In theory, China’s superiority and authority as Choson’s suzerain were absolute.

10- All other states were considered to be tributaries, under the suzerain rule of China.

11- In the Cyclades, Sanudo was the suzerain and the others his vassals.

12- Yao Xing, although Western Shu’s suzerain , was unable to aid it.

13- The Hunzas were tributaries and allies to China, acknowledging China as suzerain since 1761.

14- The king of Gaochang refused to submit to the Tang Dynasty as a suzerain .

15- Between the years 1289–1292 Bohemian king Wenceslaus II became suzerain of some Upper Silesian duchies.

16- However their first allied actions were against their own suzerain Ligdan Khaan, who they defeated in 1622.

17- To avoid this the sultan agreed to make Serbia suzerain – semi independent state nominally responsible to the Porte.

18- Forced conversions were carried out as a punishment for Christians who supported the British against their own native suzerain .

19- Between 1289 and 1292 Bohemian king Wenceslaus II became suzerain of some of the Upper Silesian duchies.

20- Action was also taken to win recognition from the other Mongolian khanates to be accepted as their nominal suzerain .

21- The Amarna letters contain correspondence from Abdi-Heba, headman of “Urusalim” and his suzerain Amenhotep III.

22- The suzerain would keep one copy of the treaty and the vassal would keep one copy of the treaty.

23- He signs the Treaty of Windsor accepting King Henry II of the Angevin Empire as suzerain of Ireland.

24- The Teutonic Knights then moved in, defeated the Brandenburgers and had the townspeople accept Łokietek as their suzerain .

25- If the stipulations are met by the vassal, he will receive the suzerain‘s blessings, which are listed.

26- At his death Guiscard was duke of Apulia and Calabria, prince of Salerno, and suzerain of Sicily.

27- Yahya neutralized the khan by recognizing him as suzerain , striking coins in his name and paying taxes to him.

28- Defeated, King Injo was forced to end his relations with the Ming and recognize the Qing as suzerain instead.

29- The economy of the Temple, and with it the Jewish cult, depended on the goodwill of the suzerain .

30- The following spring, Manuel made a triumphant entry into the city and established himself as the unquestioned suzerain of Antioch.

31- Defeated in battle, Koguryo accepted the Yen emperor as its suzerain and finally established peaceful relations with its western neighbor.

32- If the vassal fails to meet the stipulations, he will receive the suzerain‘s curses, which are also listed.

33- He must take an oath of fealty and liege homage to his suzerain , the king of France, for it.

34- His title as duke of Lorraine was confirmed by his suzerain , Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund, at Basel in 1434.

35- In return for Ismail’s assistance, Babur permitted the Safavids to act as a suzerain over him and his followers.

36- After the overthrow of their nominal suzerain Yuan Emperor Toghan Temür, the Golden Horde lost touch with Mongolia and China.

37- The independent status of these Lombard states is in general attested by the ability of their rulers to switch suzerains at will.

38- The magnate families Lazarević and Branković ruled the suzerain Serbian Despotate afterwards (in the 15th and 16th centuries).

39- He desired to honor Yahweh as Israel’s suzerain and he wanted to couple his kingship with the supreme rule of Yahweh.

40- Refused to cooperate with Trenčín košútovskými Guard to the extent that the suzerain Trencin county wanted to close the prison veľkostankovského mayor. Nor could Matilda marry again without her suzerain‘s permission.

41- Tiny Schellenberg and Vaduz had exactly the political status required: no feudal lord other than their comital sovereign and the suzerain Emperor.

42- He was ordered by his suzerain Nuh b. Mansur to attack the rebel Fa’iq, but was defeated by him.

43- In her will she made Innocent, who was the child’s feudal suzerain, his guardian, a reminder to all of the inviolability of his inheritance.

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