suppurate in a sentence

Use ‘suppurate’ in a sentence | ‘suppurate’ example sentences

1- Yet the tumour had begun to bleed and suppurate .

2- You’d stick out like a suppurating thumb.

3- The limb becomes phlegmonous, and occasionally suppurates .

4- suppurate means to leak and ooze all over the place.

5- The skin itches viciously and where scratched can erupt into suppurating ulcers.

6- Defluxions into the cavity of the chest suppurate in twenty days. 39.

7- Sometimes Mary went home, and came back with another scar or suppurating patch.

8- He held up a finger, suppurating , black and yellow, missing its nail.

9- His whole body was corrupt and suppurating , and he could no longer sleep or eat.

10- The abnormal can be left, for news of it will inevitably rise like a suppurating boil.

11- In advanced scurvy there are open, suppurating wounds and loss of teeth and, eventually, death.

12- Often atheroma suppurate , in addition, can be a gap of atheroma in the subcutaneous tissue.

13- Often the wound suppurates (suppurate is a five dollar word for ooze) pus or other fluids.

14- Often the wound suppurates ( suppurate is a five dollar word for ooze) pus or other fluids.

15- Bezold’s abscesses can rarely suppurate and erode through the mastoid tip and reach the lateral pharyngeal space.

16- Oh , for a genuine chill in these days of intrusive underscores and suppurating prosthetic torsos and whatnot.

17- When tubercles form in the urethra, if these suppurate and burst, there is relief. 83.

18- The blister under the silver electrode healed, but the one under the zinc electrode produced the required suppurating sore.

19- Against thick white paint which suppurates like boils , Shooting Picture (1961) drips red, white and blue goo.

20- The Robemaker’s skin was covered with suppurating sores, great festering, oozing ulcers, leprous growths, cancerous chancres.

21- Placed somewhere along the centre line from almost as far forward as the stop to the end of the tail itself, it can become a large suppurating sore which is most offensive to the observer.

22- Vesicles that suppurate .

23- Soon he had several huge, suppurating , ulcerous sores on his legs and worse, the infections became systemic and began spreading rapidly.

24- There were several bullet wounds and those made by stabs with a knife or poinard , but nearly healed, two or three of which were still slightly suppurating .

25- When tubercles (phymata) form in the urethra, if they suppurate and burst, the pain is carried off. 58.

26- If the portion of the uterus seated near the hip-joint suppurate , it gets into a state requiring to be treated with tents. 48.

27- For example, the body was eliminating sulphur through a boil but then a drug is introduced, and the boil seemingly “heals.” The body has let the boil no longer suppurate , so attention can be diverted to the radical poison which has been introduced.

28- Stopping for lunch near Messkirch, en route for Ulm, I discovered that my three days’ neglect of the groceries in the car boot, together with the intense heat, had reduced some of them to a suppurating , soggy mess.

29- Daily food was kicked into the huts as they lay in their own vomit and excreta, with suppurating sores exposing their bones; large black beetles were eating their eyesockets.

30- The Russians have never understood that a carbuncle, infecting all in its path as it weeps for your lost illusions or your nations grandeur, is better lanced than suppurating all over your national pride from generation to generation, suppressing any chance of a fresh start.

31- He proposed the use of the disinfectant, iodoform . At the time it was believed that iodoform gauze packed onto the suppurating wound was the best treatment for cancer.

32- He had many ailments, for example, that are symptomatic of diabetes , as confirmed in reports of suppurating periostitis in 1678, dental abscesses in 1696, along with recurring boils , fainting spells, gout , dizziness , hot flushes, and headaches (cephalalgias).

33- It was used to produce a suppurating sore on the skin of the patient to treat some conditions of inflammation and congestion by the technique of counter-irritation.

34- Later accounts frequently attribute the death to breast cancer, although it was not identified as such in the original report where the use of the term “cancer” probably referred to “a suppurating ulcer or malignant tumor”.

35- Midnight’s suppurating wounds gradually cleaned, but the intense sickness only slowly subsided, giving way to a low fever that sapped his strength and depressed his mind.

36- Now his right arm was suppurating with tubercular osteitis, and he coughed blood (after his death, his lungs were found to have extensive cavities and caseous necrosis).

37- Evita was even witnessed placing her hands in the suppurated wounds of the sick and poor, touching the leprous, and kissing the syphilitic.

38- The inhabited interior of Plenty, she realized, was like a gigantic sponge, its buildings wedged into cellular, shadowy holes piled with slowly mouldering rubbish, suppurating fungi, forgotten bodies.

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