supplicate in a sentence

Use ‘supplicate’ in a sentence | ‘supplicate’ example sentences

1- He supplicates in earnest for safety and wellbeing .

2- The Prophet (SAW) heard a man supplicating during prayer.

3- I kept praying and supplicating Allahu ta’ala to help me.

4- I sat and reflected, supplicated .

5- The Arabic version is, “and I supplicated “; very wrongly.

6- You apostrophize b supplicate both if you shot parties in all directions attend.

7- Then make dua ( supplicate ) for the deceased .

8- One must perform the saee in earnestness, weeping and supplicating intensely.

9- Look at Thy poor contrite servants, humbly supplicating Thee in their behalf.

10- In this dance, they supplicate the diwata for a bountiful harvest.

11- The arhats are supplicated with regular offerings of food, drink, and merit.

12- Sermon 75, is regarding the way to supplicate for peace and blessings on Muhammad.

13- He had learned there how a full colonel could wince and supplicate in his presence.

14- You feel punished for all the sins you never committed; you’re supplicated and invaded.

15- Here King Ravana is said to have supplicated Lord Shiva for this boon of immortality.

16- Invoke and supplicate the spirits of the dead in tones (until in a trance).

17- At that moment I began to supplicate to Allahu ta’ala and trusted myself to His help.

18- It was so like an act of worship, so supplicating , that Alexandra could not bear it.

19- June 1: Spencer W. Kimball receives confirmation and revelation after supplicating the Lord regarding blacks and the priesthood.

20- Several letters were successively addressed to him from Bohemia, and even Moravia, urgently supplicating him for redress.

21- I feel THEE ever on my heated brain; I weep, I sigh, I supplicate in vain!

22- In the case of a dead baby or young child, make dua ( supplicate ) for his parents.

23- In behalf of the council, the patriarch of Antioch presented it, humbly supplicating for it a gracious reception.

24- Have pity, noble Sir, and relieve the distress of an unfortunate son, who supplicates for his dying mother.

25- The citizens gathered with the women and children in sad groups, and with tears and groans supplicated aid from Heaven.

26- I then put myself in the most supplicating posture, and spoke in the humblest accent, but received no answer.

27- Straining now into deep danger, they supplicated the lord of ships to escape the stark collision of the Clashing Rocks.

28- Those who want sisters to hold the priesthood need only supplicate one Man , and He isn’t Thomas S Monson.

29- In Flaxman’s drawing of the Eumenides of Aeschylus, Orestes supplicates Apollo, whilst the Furies sleep on the threshold.

30- As is the practice, they took to the their age-old custom of carrying holy scriptures to supplicate the deities for rain.

31- Matilda was more likely to rant at her Maker than supplicate , even when she hadn’t been put into a rage.

32- And in the turret room they supplicated , entreated, menaced her, and still she was unable to read their meaning.

33- Furthermore, Shi’as supplicate curses upon Umar (as well as Abu Bakr), in the Dua Sanamain Quraish.

34- We can supplicate Allahu ta’ala on our own any time, and we are responsible only for what we have done.

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