supervene in a sentence

Use ‘supervene’ in a sentence | ‘supervene’ example sentences

1- The mind is often utterly ruined, and insanity supervenes .

2- An interrupted burglary, with violence supervening .

3- You don’t require to supervene upon air jordan 90 places.

4- For example: do mental properties supervene on neural properties?

5- A chill supervening on a sweat is not good. 5.

6- Spasm supervening on a wound is fatal. 3.

7- This is because phenotype supervenes on genotype.

8- But the reaction had set in long before the Ptolemies supervened .

9- A deplorable tragedy, however, supervened .

10- In biological systems phenotype can be said to supervene on genotype.

11- Therefore it was possible to have supervening unenforceability.

12- If apostasy supervenes He does not count the generations affected by it.

13- Hiccup supervening in dropsical cases is bad. 36.

14- However, the liberalisations soon became moot because EU agricultural controls supervened .

15- When market forces cultivate such tastes, then forces of another kind must supervene .

16- Mourning was scarcely possible that day: practicalities supervened .

17- Fever supervening on painful affections of the liver removes the pain. 53.

18- The change of temper which supervened is as remarkable as it is unexpected.

19- Others maintain that higher-order properties simply supervene over lower levels without direct causal interaction.

20- Of this I give two tablespoonfuls every two hours until cinchonisation supervenes .

21- Peña’s philosophy of history acknowledges collective minds, which supervene on individual minds.

22- We can comfort ourselves in the knowledge that death must have supervened very quickly.

23- A convulsion, or hiccup, supervening upon hypercatharsis is bad. 5.

24- A diarrhoea supervening in a confirmed case of pleurisy or pneumonia is bad. 17.

25- This is true whether content properties are reducible to NP properties or supervene on them.

26- Therefore with the opening of the 14th century a palpable change of style supervenes .

27- But above all these difficulties there supervened an electrical objection of a very discouraging kind.

28- When the brain is severely wounded, fever and vomiting of bile necessarily supervene . 51.

29- In a miracle natural law is supervened or transcended by a Power outside of nature.

30- Her head, hands, eyes, feet and internal organs were affected and paralysis supervened .

31- Upon leucophlegmatia dropsy supervenes . 76.

32- It supervenes upon the brain.

33- Thus a few ghostly moments supervened , when they were all confusedly staring without knowing why.

34- A rigor supervening in a case of ardent fever, produces resolution of it. 59.

35- Anxiety and great fear are liable to occur as a sense of suffocation and collapse supervene .

36- Under what circumstances will a party be excused from performance when an unforeseen supervening event occurs?

37- When strong diarrhoea supervenes in a case of leucophlegmatia, it removes the disease. 30.

38- Supervening event illegal : Fibrosa Case: War was declared and port was occupied by enemy.

39- In hypercatharsis, of old persons, hiccup supervening is not a good symptom. 42.

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