supererogatory in a sentence

Use ‘supererogatory’ in a sentence | ‘supererogatory’ example sentences

1- supererogatory acts are permissible acts that are especially expedient.

2- A supererogatory act is one that is good but not morally required.

3- If an action is supererogatory , then my performance of it is praiseworthy.

4- My servant never ceases drawing near to Me through supererogatory works until I love him.

5- In a way this was, or ought to have been, supererogatory .

6- The good works resulting from following these good counsels of Christ they call supererogatory .

7- Not all supererogatory acts of beneficence or benevolent dispositions are exceptionally arduous, costly, or risky.

8- Likewise, deontological moralities, unlike most views of consequentialism, leave space for the supererogatory .

9- And My slave ceases not to draw nearer to Me with supererogatory devotions until I love him.

10- If the optimal is already one’s duty, there appears to be no room for the supererogatory .

11- They argue that the line between the obligatory and the supererogatory has been unjustifiably erased by such a principle.

12- Ethics recognizes a category ‘ supererogatory ‘ actions, or in ordinary parlance, actions above and beyond the call of duty.

13- That is why, for Ibn ‘Arabi (cf. in particular Futûhât , IV, pp. 24. 449), the closeness acquired by the accomplishment of obligator) acts ( qurb al-farâ’id ) is more perfect than that obtained by the accomplishment of supererogatory acts ( qurb al-nawâfil ).

14- Even the viewer less experienced with avant-garde productions will understand that the careful stylization cannot be dismissed as a supererogatory or sophistic exercise in elitist obfuscation, and that the lackluster verbiage engages the viewer to seek deeper answers for himself.

15- And, thus, the realities of human need, where not utterly disallowed, are deemed parasitical, while any meeting of those needs becomes supererogatory .

16- Likewise, performing X when it is a supererogatory act of providing famine relief is more deserving of praise than performing X when it is a ‘soft act’ of providing famine relief.

17- Most people perceive such donations as supererogatory , that is to say, making such donations is praiseworthy, but there is nothing wrong with not doing so.

18- In this way, sanction utilitarianism appears to respect this common fourfold distinction and, in particular, to make room for the supererogatory .

19- Because it makes the optimal obligatory and the suboptimal wrong, it appears to expand the domain of the forbidden, collapse the distinction between the permissible and the obligatory, and make no room for the supererogatory .

20- Exceptional beneficence is commonly categorized as supererogatory , a term meaning paying or performing beyond what is obligatory or doing more than is required.

21- Nafl salat ( supererogatory prayers) are voluntary, and one may offer as many as he or she likes almost any time.

22- Effective altruists do not necessarily reject the existence of supererogatory goods but are more likely to deny that a particular action is supererogatory.

23- Effective altruists do not necessarily reject the existence of supererogatory goods but are more likely to deny that a particular action is supererogatory .

24- Several influential philosophers in effective altruism, including Peter Singer and Peter Unger, reject the common belief that donating to charity is supererogatory .

25- A reason may have been her increasing note of innovation in religious matters – in his early teachings, the Bāb stressed the necessity for his followers to observe the Islamic Sharia, even to perform acts of supererogatory piety.

26- The finding in favour of B and the implicit assumption that the remaining issues argued on his behalf were rendered supererogatory were essential precursors to the ultimate denial of judgment on the other points.

27- Additionally, the seeker ought to be firmly grounded in supererogatory practices known from the life of Muhammad (such as the “sunna prayers”).

28- By the way, the supererogatory works resulting from following these counsels, you know, are the treasure from which the Pope distributes his indulgences.

29- There he led the evening and ‘Isha prayers with one Adhan and two Iqamas and did not glorify (Allah) in between them (i. e. he did not observe supererogatory rak’ahs between Maghrib and ‘Isha’ prayers).

30- More over She was a mere creature capable of suffering, and as such She was also subject to pain, to the inclination to ward licit repose, and to the inertia, disinclining Her toward the performance of some supererogatory works, which without sin She could have omitted.

31- My slave draws not near to Me with anything more loved by Me than the religious duties I have enjoined upon him, and My slave continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory works so that I shall love him.

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