substratum in a sentence

Use ‘substratum’ in a sentence | ‘substratum’ example sentences

1- This substratum of values expresses man’s true humanity.

2- This common material substratum allows them to interact.

3- These are taken as evidence of substratum influence.

4- These variants also had a common substratum .

5- The pagan substratum stands forth entirely distinct from the Christian addition.

6- But this incidental connection hardly qualifies as a linguistic substratum .

7- Each spatial figure rests on the substratum of numerical relations.

8- This was probably encouraged by the Berber substratum .

9- The radula is used to scrape microscopic algae off the substratum .

10- Requires very little nutrition and will grow in most planting substrata .

11- He gives up any kind of substratum or given data.

12- The composition of the forest changes with altitude and substratum .

13- Beneath the foundations a solid substratum of red tafl was found.

14- The substratum of this experience is the mastery of a technique.

15- This substratum is very prominent in Konkani.

16- Depending on the substratum and climate, different seres are found.

17- The substrata date from the Holocene and are composed of limestone.

18- Vedda has exerted a substratum influence in the formation of Sinhalese.

19- This motile stage then attempts to find a suitable substratum for settlement.

20- Most linguists today refer to these remnants as dialectal strata or substrata .

21- Thus here again we discover that the substratum thinking is invasion and conquest.

22- There can be no unthinking substance or substratum of ideas.

23- About 160 of the Romanian substratum words have cognates in Albanian.

24- Maspero later attributed the putative substratum to Indo-Aryan.

25- This is a feature characteristic of the Coptic substratum of Egyptian Arabic.

26- Brokan shows strong substrata influence in its use of its prepositions.

27- Each vivarium has been renovated by changing substratum and providing perch and hide outs.

28- This complex represents the substratum for the emergence of the PetreÅŸti culture.

29- The remaining 59.0% was found to be stored in the gravel substratum .

30- Its substratum is solid volcanic tuff.

31- Through the igneous rock substratum , a number of stratovolcanoes have emerged.

32- A muddy substratum is recommended and therefore a mixture of clay and peat is satisfactory.

33- Consciousness is never opposed to ignorance; it is the very substratum of it.

34- The catchment area of Chilika lake has a rock, sand and mud substratum .

35- Spores of many species have special appendages which facilitate attachment to the substratum .

36- To the influence of substratum and superstratum are added subsequent loans from other languages.

37- Inhabitants of interstitial substrata are frequently elongated and openly living forms frequently become strongly convex.

38- Some avoid high current areas, inhabiting the substratum or the sheltered side of rocks.

39- Their difference of contents depends very largely on their covering a different kind of substratum .

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