Use “submit portfolio” in a sentence | “submit portfolio” example sentences
1- Visual artists must first submit a portfolio of assigned exercises.
2- Fifty-seven artists and consortia submitted portfolios and a shortlist of nine was drawn up.
3- New members are welcome and may be asked to submit a portfolio of their work.
4- Applicants for the Ph.D. with a concentration in Composition must submit a composition portfolio .
5- Applicants must submit a sample portfolio , and eligibility is determined by academic merit and artistic achievement.
6- Candidates are required to submit a design portfolio , résumé and answers to several business planning questions.
7- Prospective grade 8 students submitted a portfolio , auditioned and were interviewed for spots in the program.
8- Applicants with musical or artistic accomplishments may submit a portfolio in The Common Application, through SlideRoom.
9- Candidates must submit a portfolio as well as a lengthy application packet including details on business planning and strategy.
10- Architects were invited by public advertisement to submit portfolios of their work for consideration by Bodley and Shaw.
11- Students will demonstrate their readiness to undertake independent dissertation research by submitting a portfolio of their best work to date.
12- Entrants were required to submit a designer jewelry portfolio , a full business plan and written answers to several specific questions.
13- Before undertaking the qualification oral exam, the doctoral candidate must submit a portfolio of compositions containing three most recently composed works.
14- Applicants are required to submit a portfolio and elements of a business plan including marketing, production capacity and financial planning information.
15- All of our sophomores are required to submit a portfolio of their writing , and passing this assessment is a graduation requirement.
16- It is also important, the participants stressed, that as part of the requirements for students enrolling for the first time, a portfolio is submitted for consideration.
17- Particular interest was shown in the work of a number of students by representatives from Italian Vogue, Selfridges, London Ethnic and COS, as well as Arts Thread who invited two students to submit portfolios for the Who’s Next Paris 2013 trade show.
18- By the end of the senior year, all interdisciplinary majors will submit a capstone portfolio to the chair of the program for evaluation.
19- I often wonder if very famous photographers would also be rejected if they submitted unsolicited portfolios to agencies, simply because the robots handling the red tape would just pass over them.
20- If I were to submit portfolio to someone, I’d want to know what her frame of mind is so I can present something that matches those conditions.
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