submissiveness in a sentence

Use ‘submissiveness’ in a sentence | ‘submissiveness’ example sentences

1- The illusion that it does comes from submissiveness .

2- Brave Orchid is showing a complete submissiveness to all things traditional.

3- Personality traits such as confidence, submissiveness , and openness.

4- It’s how our people show submissiveness .

5- Parents’ submissiveness to gurus is not new.

6- If his seventeenth century heroines demonstrate any characteristics, it is submissiveness .

7- What’s troubling about traditional femininity is that it married warmth with submissiveness .

8- Their lack of confidence combined with submissiveness make them perfect targets for bullying.

9- In dogs and other animals, urination can mark territory or express submissiveness .

10- The trousers are destroyed; the wife is eventually overcome and forced to promise submissiveness .

11- This paper will concentrate on the vitues of piety, purity, submissiveness and domesticity.

12- This is the complete opposite from the submissiveness of the slaves in the Zealy photos.

13- This same spirit of submissiveness was illustrated in a recent article by Elder Neal A. Maxwell.

14- Promotions and appointments within the RUC were made on political attitudes and submissiveness to the regimé.

15- Public opinion supported the notion that virtue, innocence and submissiveness were the positive attributes of womanhood.

16- This is the well-known Indian custom of indicating submissiveness which is practised by villagers to this day.

17- A culture of submissiveness has led to defeats by Bradford City and Blackburn Rovers in the cups .

18- Being forced to carry out acts of submissiveness Pozharsky insulted the Khan and spat in his face.

19- Thackeray praises her without irony for her submissiveness , her gentleness and timidity, her self-sacrifice.

20- Secondly, it is possible that the roles portrayed by women do reinforce passivity and submissiveness from girls.

21- The Prince ponders his fondness for Concetta, which is based in her apparent submissiveness and placidity.

22- Because of this perceived submissiveness , Poskrebyshev became the butt of a series of jokes among Party officials.

23- To prove his submissiveness , he agrees to be her whipping boy when big Gunter visits her boudoir.

24- In addition, the submissiveness of Olive Oyl went against the Quakers’ emphasis on women’s rights.

25- I like the contrast I make: the power and the vulnerability, the submissiveness and the freedom.

26- How to tell submissiveness : Submissive people touches themselves a lot when they are confronted with a tough circumstances.

27- She claimed that the transfer of the US command towards NATO increased the submissiveness of the French Armed Forces.

28- For Doyle, such an attitude leads to a posture of cultural submissiveness , a fear of radical political change.

29- It is vital that you retain your dominance over your dog, and this dog shows clear signs of submissiveness .

30- Beneath his new submissiveness Herr Nordern felt another flicker of exasperation, the more so because he was being submissive.

31- Before it opens fully, it inclines its head gently and bashfully, as if in timid submissiveness and resignation.

32- According to author Sheridan Prasso, the China doll stereotype and its variations of feminine submissiveness recurs in American movies.

33- English authors liked how Muslim women in the Ottoman Empire had familial submissiveness and were separated from political and religious affairs.

34- When he wasn’t treated with the deference and submissiveness to which he was accustomed, the general burst into anger.

35- It ‘s the culture that’s the story, our submissiveness to cyber-world dictates and wherever they choose to lead us.

36- Far from being a problem of racism, ours is a problem of internalised submissiveness , showing itself in many complex forms.

37- In several interviews, Butler has mentioned that she wrote “Kindred” to counteract stereotypical conceptions of the submissiveness of slaves.

38- Because we equate innocence with submissiveness , we can pause to note that holistic size is itself a determinate factor of submission.

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