subdivide in a sentence

Use ‘subdivide’ in a sentence | ‘subdivide’ example sentences

1- But twin peaks itself was further subdivided .

2- Each circle is subdivided into smaller segments.

3- Each chapter is further subdivided into parts covering specific regulatory areas.

4- The 10 states are further subdivided into 86 counties.

5- The district municipalities are further subdivided into 226 local municipalities.

6- The municipality is subdivided into four parts.

7- Organic soils are subdivided into 4 great groups.

8- Each lab is further subdivided into divisions.

9- More heavily populated areas were often subdivided on multiple occasions.

10- The building has since been subdivided into industrial units.

11- These denominations were subdivided into 62 styles.

12- The district is subdivided into 20 localities.

13- The land became subdivided into many blocks.

14- The mandate region was subdivided into six states.

15- These groups are subdivided into countless smaller cells.

16- The grille was vertically split and subdivided horizontally.

17- It is subdivided into various specific programs.

18- These districts were further subdivided later on.

19- Each block was subdivided by small lanes.

20- Each district is further subdivided into boroughs.

21- The conferences were further subdivided into three divisions each.

22- The veins are subdivided into three systems.

23- These are further subdivided into 24 municipalities.

24- These major animal segments are further subdivided into different animal types.

25- Regular members are just subdivided by post count.

26- These four regions are also subdivided into 24 provinces.

27- This layer is further subdivided into visceral and muscular component layers.

28- The smaller portion to the rear is sometimes subdivided .

29- A single goal may be subdivided into multiple objectives.

30- It is subdivided into 1 city and 22 municipalities.

31- We subdivided criminal charges into the following 10 categories.

32- Orders are often subdivided further by a “class” designation.

33- The land districts were further subdivided into locations and lots.

34- The new sectors were further subdivided into divisions.

35- These two groups were further subdivided into thematic teams.

36- The mountain formations are subdivided into two parts.

37- The above are further subdivided into 31 planes of existence.

38- The original parcel was subsequently subdivided into smaller lots and sold.

39- Each arm is further subdivided into regions by landmarks.

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