subcutaneous in a sentence

Use ‘subcutaneous’ in a sentence | ‘subcutaneous’ example sentences

1- This is called a ” subcutaneous ” injection.

2- The dose for adult patients is one subcutaneous injection twice weekly.

3- In general, subcutaneous disease does not need specific therapy.

4- By contrast, its subcutaneous fat layer is thin.

5- Especially if a subcutaneous plane is used.

6- The larvae develop into adults that commonly reside in subcutaneous tissue.

7- It is taken by a subcutaneous small and portable pump.

8- Dale’s report of subcutaneous injections contradicts the concerned parties.

9- Like insulin, it is administered by subcutaneous injection.

10- Now you’re ready for subcutaneous injection.

11- Smaller muscle size and subcutaneous fat facilitate crosstalk.

12- It is administered by intermittent injections or continuous subcutaneous infusions.

13- The hypodermis or subcutaneous tissue is composed of superficial fascia.

14- Warning: his subcutaneous sensor make your own skin crawl.

15- It is supplied as an injection for subcutaneous use.

16- subcutaneous tissue mechanical behavior is linear and viscoelastic under uniaxial tension.

17- A good example is a subcutaneous terbutaline pump.

18- subcutaneous worms Bob what are your thoughts on these worms?

19- Sometimes the subcutaneous migration tracks of the larvae can be seen.

20- In general, the best approach is to begin with subcutaneous administration.

21- All three patients received prophylaxis with subcutaneous heparin and compression stockings.

22- Stelara is a subcutaneous injection given at the doctor’s office.

23- The subcutaneous dermal closure is effected with interrupted sutures.

24- Furthermore, a subcutaneous needle biopsy was performed to determine fat cell size.

25- It can also be administered via intramuscular or subcutaneous injection.

26- The GLP-1 receptor agonists are given by subcutaneous injection.

27- Identification of adult worms is possible from tissue samples collected during subcutaneous biopsies.

28- Injectable dihydrocodeine is most often given as a deep subcutaneous shot.

29- The standard subcutaneous regimens for deferoxamine therapy successfully chelate excess iron.

30- Marked subcutaneous edema and icterus is often seen.

31- Other potentially detrimental effects of enlarged subcutaneous fat tissue relate to free fatty acids.

32- They explain that Deathstroke has planted subcutaneous explosive devices in their necks.

33- The most common manifestation of CA-MRSA infections are skin and subcutaneous infections.

34- subcutaneous emphysema is relatively innocuous but may be uncomfortable to some patients.

35- This is due to atrophy of the subcutaneous tissue and dermal fibrosis.

36- The larvae migrate to the subcutaneous tissue and undergo two more molts.

37- The bird’s subcutaneous air bags aid their rapid return to the surface.

38- A prime example would be subcutaneous fat tissue found in the abdominal region.

39- Reconstitution in sterile diluent produces a solution for subcutaneous injection.

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