subcontractor in a sentence

Use ‘subcontractor’ in a sentence | ‘subcontractor’ example sentences

1- How many subcontractors are those vendors using?

2- Most contacts reported that subcontractors are readily available.

3- More than 100 subcontractors had been hired.

4- A list of trusted subcontractors is invaluable .

5- Commercial builders said their subcontractors are having difficulty obtaining operating capital.

6- The factory workers are employed by subcontractor shoe makers.

7- Many businesses act as both contractors and subcontractors .

8- List all subcontractors and provide insurance information.

9- Often these workers were employed by small subcontractors .

10- Conduct price analyses of all subcontractor proposals.

11- Direct costs also include amounts paid to subcontractors .

12- Some of these small businesses are subcontractors .

13- A trust system would also mean subcontractors being paid promptly .

14- General contractors reported a shortage of qualified subcontractors .

15- A few specialist staff were self-employed or were subcontractors .

16- The U.S. firm will supply components through various subcontractors .

17- Contractors’ subcontractors must submit forms through Contractors.

18- The clerk’s office had 323 workers, including subcontractors .

19- The subcontractors also stress that their deliveries were legal.

20- Siemens and its subcontractor supplied the turbine section much quicker.

21- The corporations then paid remaining debts to the subcontractors .

22- I have an subcontractor who was recently terminated.

23- Other companies worked on the project as subcontractors .

24- First, a subcontractor installs the trailer itself.

25- Construction of the railroad was done by subcontractors .

26- The garrison also received poor quality meat from these subcontractors .

27- The 787 project became less lucrative than expected for some subcontractors .

28- Thousands of subcontractors were involved in the project.

29- Contractors’ subcontractors must submit the forms through Contractors.

30- Identify all proposed subcontractors Contract Monitoring 1.

31- Non-blameworthy road traffic accidents at subcontractors are not included.

32- Are you, your clients or subcontractors having trouble obtaining bonds?

33- TNT Express is reliant on subcontractors in its business activities.

34- TNT Express hires subcontractors to perform certain aspects of its operations.

35- Payment to subcontractors is based on quantity , not quality.

36- General Motors has increased its sourcing of components from local subcontractors .

37- Not every subcontractor will need verifying (see below).

38- There is much detail about this in our subcontractors booklet.

39- Both prime and subcontractors were eligible for and received the award.

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